Create a new project folder that will contain the helper

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132081368

You just need the structure or the way menu the works,

Create a new Project folder that will contain the 3 Helper classes: the PalindromeHelper, the ReversePoemHelper, and the AdoptAPetHelper.

Create a driver/tester class that will be menu-driven, and will ask the user which function he/she wishes to try:

1. Palindrome Tester

2. Reverse Poem

3. Adopt-A-Pet

4. exit

The driver's main method will instantiate each of the helper classes, and will then loop to display the menu of options.

According to the option selected, one of the following methods will be called:

1. myPalindrome.isPalindrome() //the linked list will be created inside the isPalindrome() method, from the user's selection of an input file (good or bad file)

2. myReversePoem.readFileLoadStack();

3. myAdoptAPet.displayMenu();

The loop will stop when a number other than 1, 2, or 3 is entered.

Reference no: EM132081368

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