Create a network that houses the storage file server

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131213611

Choose one of the 2 Case Study cases below:

Case Study 1 (10%): You are hired as a consultant by Alpha Omega Technical Industries (ΑΩ TechInd). Your job is to provide a network solution to meeting the demands on the vertical growth the company has been experiencing during the last six months. ΑΩ TechInd has its headquarters in Los Angeles, California and divisions in

  • Miami, Florida
  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Frankfurt, Germany
  • Dubai, UAE
  • Shanghai, China

You are asked to create a network that houses the storage file server(s) keeping all files related to contract transactions between all divisions and their clients. 

Your task is to design only this segment of the network. Do not worry about the rest of the network and do not worry about database and web servers. You will not be using them in your designed solution. The main file storage server must reside with the headquarters.Please do consider the following in your solution discussion:

  • File sharing between divisions
  • Storage server backup and recovery in case of failure
  • Security issues related to file transfers (optional)
  • File concurrency - in case two files with the same name are trying to be saved at the same time on the same location
  • File access logs
  • File archival method
  • Network diagram

Your report should be about 4 to 6 pages long  (not including the title page and the reference page) in APA format with proper citations and references (if any), and it should include a diagram of the network solution (please embed the diagram to the Word document, and make sure it's viewable). Your report will be automatically checked against plagiarism upon submission. The final product must follow acceptable originality criteria (no more than 15% originality index and 2% per source match).

Save the file using the following file naming convention: ISSC340_CaseStudy_First_Last.doc(x) (where first and last are your first and last names resp.) and submit the file in this assignment area

Case Study 2

America One Car (AOC) dealership is moving into a newly built facility in a suburb town of Washington, D.C.. You are retained as a consultant by AOC dealership to design a network solution for their new location. The new facility is assumed to be wired with UTP and fiber, with outlets in specific locations.  The basic network is to be a LAN that serves desktop computers in the general manager's office, in the salesmen's area, and the showroom area; mobile devices (laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.); and various accessories (printers, etc.). A major component of the network is a file server (for storing the sale contracts, and other files).  Of primary importance is the Internet access solution (e.g., leased lines, Cable, DSL, broadband wireless, fiber to the home, satellite). Other components (such as web server, and database server) may be added for completeness (to earn extra credit). Design a network solution, considering the following:

  • Type and topology of LAN
  • LAN cabling
  • Storage file server: data back-up/archiving, file consistency, file access logs, and data recovery
  • Internet access method (assume maximum availability of solutions) 
  • Security (all pertinent issues)
  • Any other specific issues, such as web and database servers (for extra credit) 

Your deliverable is a Word document of 4-6 pages (not including the title page and the reference page). It's required to include in the report a diagram of your network solution, and a table of the components (hardware and software) proposed.  References must be listed and cited in APA format. Please embed the diagram into the Word document.Your report will be automatically checked against plagiarism upon submission. The final product must follow acceptable originality criteria (no more than 15% originality index & 2% per source match).

Reference no: EM131213611

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