Create a network diagram that shows the sequence

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Reference no: EM132325297

Case Study: A Not-For-Profit Medical Research Center

This is an open-ended case study, useyour creativity. This case continues through to Chapter 8. Each chapter has questions to reinforce the concepts presented. Save your work from this case study for the work you will do in Chapters 5 to 8.CASE STUDY 1 A Not-for-Profit Medical Research Center

You are Alexis, the director of external affairs for a national not-for-profit medi¬cal research center that does research on diseases related to aging. The center's work depends on funding from multiple sources, including the general public, individual estates, and grants from corporations, foundations, and the federal government.

Your department prepares an annual report of the center's accomplishments and financial status for the board of directors. It is mostly text with a few charts and tables, all black and white, with a simple cover. It is voluminous and pretty dry reading. It is inexpensive to produce other than the effort to pull together the content, which requires time to request and expedite information from the cen¬ter's other departments.

At the last board meeting, the board members suggested the annual report be "upscaled" into a document that could be used for marketing and promotional purposes. They want you to mail the next annual report to the center's various stakeholders, past donors, and targeted high-potential future donors. The board feels that such a document is needed to get the center "in the same league" with other large not-for-profit organizations with which it feels it competes for donations and funds. The board feels that the annual report could be used to inform these stakeholders about the advances the center is making in its research efforts and its strong fiscal management for effectively using the funding and donations it receives.

You will need to produce a shorter, simpler, easy-to-read annual report that shows the benefits of the center's research and the impact on people's lives. You will include pictures from various hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities that are using the results of the center's research. You also will include testimo¬nials from patients and families who have benefited from the center's research. The report must be "eye-catching." It needs to be multicolor, contain a lot of pictures and easy-to-understand graphics, and be written in a style that can be understood by the average adult potential donor.

This is a significant undertaking for your department, which includes three other staff members. You will have to contract out some of the activities and may have to travel to several medical facilities around the country to take photos and get testimonials. You will also need to put the design, printing, and distribu¬tion out to bid to various contractors to submit proposals and prices to you. You estimate that approximately 5 million copies need to be printed and mailed.

It is now April 1. The board asks you to come to its next meeting on May 15 to present a detailed plan, schedule, and budget for how you will complete the proj¬ect. The board wants the annual report "in the mail" by November 15, so potential donors will receive it around the holiday season when they may be in a "giving mood." The center's fiscal year ends September 30, and its financial statements should be available by October 15. However, the nonfinancial information for the report can start to be pulled together right after the May 15 board meeting.

Fortunately, you are biking a project management course in the evenings at the local university and see this as an opportunity to apply what you have been learning. You know that this is a big project and that the board has high expec¬tations. You want to be sure you meet their expectations and get them to approve the budget that you will need for this project. However, they will only do that if they are confident that you have a detailed plan for how you will get it all done. You and your staff have six weeks to prepare a plan to present to the board on May 15. If approved, you will have six months, from May 15 to November 15, to implement the plan and complete the project.
Your staff consists of Grace, a marketing speriilict; Levi, a writer/editor, and Lakysha, a staff assistant whose hobby is photography (she is going to college part-time in the evenings to earn a degree in photojournalism and has won sev¬eral local photography contests).


You and your team need to prepare a plan to present to the board. You must:

1. Establish the project objective, and make a list of your assumptions about the project.

2. Develop a work breakdown structure.

3. Prepare a list of the specific activities that need to be performed to accom¬plish the project objective.

4. For each activity, assign the person who will be responsible.

5. Create a network diagram that shows the sequence and dependent relation¬ships of all the activities.

Note: This case study will continue in Chapters 5 through 8, so save the results of your work.


1. Develop an estimated duration for each activity.

2. Using a project start time of 0 (or May 15) and a required project completion time of 180 days (or November 15), calculate the ES, EF, LS, and LF times and TS for each activity. If your calculations result in a project schedule with negative TS, revise the project scope, activity estimated durations, and/or sequence or dependent relationships among activities to arrive at an acceptable baseline schedule for completing the project within 180 days (or by November 15). Describe the revisions you made.
3. Determine the critical path, and identify the activities that make up the critical path.
4. Produce a bar chart (Gantt chart) based on the ES and EF times from the schedule in item 2.

Note: This case study will continue in Chapters 6 through 8, so save the results of your work

Using the responsibility assignments you made in Chapter 4 and the baseline schedule you developed in Chapter 5, now develop a resource requirements table (similar to Figure 6.3).
Note: This case study will continue in Chapters 7 and 8, so save the results of your work.

Divide the course participants into the same groups as for the previous chapter's group activity, and answer the question listed above.

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Reference no: EM132325297

Questions Cloud

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Best explanation of motivation : Which of the content theories do you believe offers the best explanation of motivation? Which of the process theories?



8/8/2019 1:55:27 AM

Highly recommend your services completed everything well and followed each requirement with full attention. Thanks a lot for your support.


8/8/2019 1:51:42 AM

We need to develop a network diagram and need to develop the schedule & estimate the resources required for the successful completion of the project.


6/20/2019 12:22:57 AM

could you complete the assignment for same case study for chapter 5 & 6 I attached all documents which are: 1-the assignment needs 2-the screenshots for case study & its questions 3-the studies of chapter 5&6 if you need to know what I take in this chapter and see the examples Please send by tonight In PowerPoint that I send it called(case study) You will found slides with title Ch5 and Ch6 in these slide I capture the questions from the book for each chapter

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Project Management Questions & Answers

  How project team apply the given knowledge areas

The project team is required to submit a report illustrating how the project team will apply the following knowledge areas that have been learned in this unit to Project.

  Determine if any mitigation activities are required

Determine if any mitigation activities are required and explain why. Determine if budget / schedule changes are necessary and explain why.

  Make using three-point estimating justifiable

Can you tell me what conditions make using three-point estimating justifiable? Do you have any examples and or references?

  What is the speed of either particle

Two identical particles each with a mass of 2 ug and a charge of 25 nC, are released simultaneously from rest when the two are 4 cm apart. What is the speed of either particle at the instant when the two are separated by 10 cm?

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  Graph the price demand equation and the line

Graph the price demand equation and the line representing the average price in the same coordinate system over the interval [50, 250].

  Create a detailed schedule for yourself

Create a detailed schedule for yourself that covers one week of your life, using some of the principles covered in this week's readings and lectures.

  Why individuals routinely over-estimate the time for project

Discuss some of the reasons why individuals routinely over-estimate the time for project activities. How is this behavior detrimental to the schedule and project?

  What are technical constraints

What are technical constraints? Give some examples. Describe what is meant by resource leveling or smoothing. Why is it used? When is it used?

  Why this attempt at project partnering appear to be failing

Why does this attempt at project partnering appear to be failing? -  If you were Karin, what would you do to get this project back on track?

  What began drastically changing marketing research industry

Explain the meaning of the statement that "marketing research industry thrives off derived demand."- What began drastically changing the marketing research industry in the 1990s? Why?

  What is the cost of new debt

What is the cost of new debt? What are the advantages and disadvantages of issuing new debt in the capital structure?

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