Create a netbeans java project

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13933653

A binary digital image a rectangular grid of black and white pixels. The image shown in Figure 1 consists of 17*9 pixels.

Figure 1: Image with 17 * 9 black and white pixels

In this assignment, you write a program to count the connected blocks in a binary digital image. For example:

There are three connected blocks in Figure 2a, six connected blocks in Figure 2b, 14 connected blocks in Figure 2c, and one connected block in Figure 2d. If we count white blocks, there are two connected blocks in Figure 1.

Create a NetBeans java project, add the jar file "stdlib-package.jar". The "Picture" class in this package can read and show digital image files. You can also get the height, width of the image, and the color of eachpixel on the image. The following code opens a image file, displays it, returns the height and width of the image, and the color of a pixel at grid position x,y.

Reference no: EM13933653

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