Create a needs assessment plan for a proposed program

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Reference no: EM133271882

Assessment Plan

The Topic - Autism

Using the topic from your research paper in Assignment #1 (Autism) create a needs assessment plan for a proposed program, including approaches to measurement and methods of data collection and analysis. Discuss your approach within the context of the four types of need as outlined in Kettner, Moroney & Martin and be sure to link your assessment plan to the problem you identified in Assignment 1. Justify why the methods you selected are the most appropriate to assess the need for your program. Students are expected to produce a 5 to 7 page paper with at least 5 citations from academic journals (not counting title and reference pages). When citing the literature, follow APA style.

A comprehensive needs assessment plan is provided which is supported by the literature, and includes approaches to measurement and methods of data collection and analysis.

A comprehensive needs assessment plan is provided, including appropriate approaches to measurement and methods of data collection and analysis. Information and methods are supported by the literature.

Some components of a needs assessment plan are included but not in sufficient detail to demonstrate an understanding of appropriate methods

Paper does not provide a needs assessment plan or includes a thin description of the plan, with no supporting detail or approach to measurement.

Needs assessment is discussed within the context of the four types of need as outlined in Kettner, Moroney & Martin (pp. 59-68) and assessment plan is linked to the problem identified in Assignment 1.

The needs assessment is discussed in detail within the context of the four types of need as outlined in Kettner, Moroney & Martin (pp. 59-68) and the assessment plan is strongly linked to the problem identified in Assignment 1.

The four types of need are mentioned briefly but not described in sufficient detail and/or the needs assessment and the problem identified in assignment #1 are weakly linked

The four types of need are not mentioned, and/or the needs assessment is not clearly supported by findings or linked to the problem from assignment #1

Well-written and follows APA guidelines as set forth in the 6th edition APA manual. Must include title page, abstract, citations throughout, reference page, and a maximum of two quotations (paraphrasing / citations are suggested instead of direct quotations).
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Accurate use of APA format with minimal errors. Evidence that errors from previous papers are corrected in later papers. Coherent development of the ideas using well-formed sentences and flowing paragraphs.

Some APA errors. Writing shows evidence of self-editing with some construction and/or flow problems.

Multiple errors in APA format; errors from previous papers not corrected in subsequent papers. Writing poorly edited; awkward construction and/or poor flow of ideas.

Reference no: EM133271882

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