Reference no: EM131877126
Final Project
Your final project is a 10-page paper , reflecting your experiences in the role you selected for your virtual community and how these experiences may inform your future role in public administration.
Create a descriptive narrative of the role you selected in your virtual community: a) campaign manager, b) head of a public agency, or c) head of a non-profit/interest group. Include the following information:
A description of why you selected that role
A description of how the role you selected may inform your future role in public administration
An explanation of how this role dealt with, managed, impacted, practiced, or reflected two of the following areas:
1. Voting or voting behavior
2. Political ideology
3. Constitution
4. Party affiliation
Justify your response using the Learning Resources and current Literature. Include the following information:
A description of at least two elements or areas related to this role about which you learned from your experience in the virtual community
Political Controversies:
Creative a descriptive narrative of one political controversy related to your role in the virtual community. You may either select a controversy that occurred in the virtual community or a controversy that is common in a community. Include the following information:
A description of at least two ways in which the controversy might or did positively impact the community and two ways in which the controversy might or did negativity impact the community and an explanation why
A description of 5 steps you would take in your role to address or mitigate the controversy and an explanation of why you would select those steps
Global Issues
Create a descriptive narrative on two of the following global issues that might have impacted your role in the virtual community:
Job loss (outsourcing)
Drug and human trafficking
Environmental issues
Include the following information:
An explanation of how the two global issues you selected impacted or might have impacted the virtual community
A description of two ways in which you would address each of the issues you identified and an explanation of why each might be effective
Principles of Public Administration
Create a descriptive narrative on principles of public administration that may have impacted your role in the virtual community. Include the following information:
An explanation of how two intergovernmental issues may did impact your role in the virtual community
A description of two ways in which you would or did address one intergovernmental issues in your role and an explanation of how
Assuming the candidate's budgets in the virtual community were passed, an explanation of which one might have had the greatest impact on your role and how
An explanation of one element of intergovernmental issues you learned as a result of your experience with the virtual community and how it may help you in your future
Making of Public Policy
Create a descriptive narrative on the making of public policy in the virtual community. Include the following information:
A description of one vital policy change you might or did implement in your role in the virtual community and an explanation of how and why
An explanation of two ways in which the policy change might or did affect the other roles in the community as well as specific groups in the community
An explanation of one way in which you might or did address the community members related to this policy change and why
Overall Experience
Create a descriptive narrative of your overall experience in the virtual community. Include the following information:
A description of at least two insights you had related to the functions or political position of the role you selected in the virtual community and how your overall experience might help you in your future
An explanation of two challenges related to your role in the virtual community and why they were challenges
An explanation of two elements of this role you enjoyed and why
A description and explanation of your future aspirations in public administration and your reasons for having those aspirations.