Create a mysql database using phpmyadmin

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132351687

Assignment: Student Enrolment Database

Task Description

A.1. Overview

Your task is to create and test a database in MySQL using PhpMyAdmin. You are provided with a scenario and supporting documents, describing the requirements that Southern Cross University may have for a database to handle their student enrolments. You are provided with most of the design for such a database and will need to create a relational database to meet the client needs. You will also need to add sample data and create SQL queries to provide results suitable for reporting.

A.2 Scenario

Southern Cross University provides a variety of Bachelor and Mastersdegrees to students studying internally across campuses at Coffs Harbour, Lismore and the Gold Coast, as well as by online education. Student enrolments and their progress in units need to be stored in a database.

A systems analyst has partially designed this database (see Entity Relationship Diagram provided). You have been brought into the project to finish creating and testing the database to support SCU needs. Additional to the ERD, SCU has provided you with some lists and details about what information needs to be stored for enrolment and recording of student results. Some of the data for each of these lists has been provided in the file SCUStudentEnrolment.xlsx, included with this assessment. The client had provided you with as much as they know about the data requirements. As with most client-provided data, much information is duplicated in the sample data (the data is not normalised), and the spreadsheets do not reflect the finished database table design.

You will have to decide on and set the data-types and lengths, as well as finish the design of the database. In addition to storage of information about students, courses (such as Master of IT), units, staff and workshops, you must allow for the following:

A.2.1 Record student enrolment in a course, including enrolment date;
A.2.2 Record student enrolment in a unit, including the Session and the type of enrolment (internal or external);
A.2.3 Record student enrolment in a workshop;
A.2.4 Record student assessment submission, with date submitted and marks given.

B. Assessment Requirements

B.1 Assignment

Using the ERD supplied and the data requirements provided in the Excel file, you must analyse the database needs of the client. You should provide an explanation of your database decisions or data you feel is relevant in your Assignment 1 report. Some suggested headings for this report are included in the report template (available in this assignment folder):
• Client Business Rules
• Assumptions Made
• Naming Conventions
• Data types chosen

B.2 MySQL database
Create a MySQL database using phpMyAdmin. You must name this database as your username followed by A1. For example: eyuwon10A1.
You will build the required tables, columns, data types and relationships based on your analysis. You are free to add any tables you feel are needed or would enhance the system. You must include, but are not limited to, the client's specific data requirements. You may choose to add additional data columns to store other information about students, teachers, etc. if you wish to do so.

B.3 Test Data
You must provide enough valid data in your database to run the SQL queries below successfully with at least 5-10 resulting rows. In particular, association tables will need to be sufficiently populated to give meaningful test results. You may refer to the provided sample data for references on the data format. However, you need to analyse and transform the sample data to be suitable for your database, e.g. you will be required to use your assumption on some fields that are not available in the sample data.

B.4 Export Script
You must create an export script (.sql) to create a backup of all database structures, including table definitions and data.

B.5 Proof of Testing
The results of your report queries should be added to your Assignment 2 report (see B1). This can be a screen dump of each query result inserted into your report, but MUST be readable. You should paste each query into your report, then the results of that query.

B.6 SQL Queries
B.6.1 Workshop enrolment list
Create a query to display the workshop enrolment lists for all students enrolled in Session 2, 2019. The result should include the session, unit code, unit name, campus location, workshop day & time, tutor name, student number and student name. The result should be sorted by the unit code, campus location, workshop day and time then student last name and first name.

B.6.2 Workshop count list
Create a query to display the number of students who were enrolled in workshops in all sessions for 2019. The result should include the session, unit code, unit name, campus location, tutor name and the total count of students enrolled. The result should be sorted by the Session, unit code, campus location and workshop day & time.

B.6.3 Student Transcripts
Create a query to display the information required for a Student Transcript. The result should include the student number, student name, year, session, and unit.

B.6.4 Student Assessment Totals
Create a query to display the total marks for each student's assessments in all sessions for 2019. The result should include the student names, unit code, the sum of marks given for their assessments and the final grade given. It should be sorted by the student's last name and first name, session, and unit code. Note: the final grade is entered by the unit assessor into the database, not calculated automatically from the total.

Attachment:- Data Management Systems.rar

Reference no: EM132351687

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8/4/2019 10:06:58 PM

SQL Query 1 1.5 Points All columns displayed as requested, sorted in correct order. Query tables related correctly. No rows duplicated incorrectly. Must be restricted to S1 2015. 1.125 Points All columns displayed as requested. Query tables mostly related correctly. Minor error or not sorted in correct order.


8/4/2019 10:06:48 PM

SQL Query 2 1.5 Points All columns displayed as requested, sorted in correct order. Query tables created related correctly. No rows duplicated incorrectly. Student count correctly calculated and displayed. 1.125 Points All columns displayed as requested, sorted in correct order. Query tables related correctly. Student count not displayed or incorrect.


8/4/2019 10:06:39 PM

SQL Query 3 1.5 Points All columns displayed as requested, sorted in correct order. Query tables related correctly. No rows duplicated incorrectly. 1.125 Points All columns displayed as requested. Query tables mostly related correctly. Minor error or not sorted in correct order.


8/4/2019 10:06:28 PM

SQL Query 4 2.5 Points All columns displayed as requested, sorted in correct order. Query tables related correctly. No rows duplicated incorrectly. Sum of student marks correctly calculated and displayed. 1.875 Points All columns displayed as requested, sorted in correct order. Query tables related correctly. Sum of student marks not displayed or incorrect.


8/4/2019 10:06:09 PM

Database - Keys 2.5 Points All keys created with appropriate data types, surrogate keys created where necessary, keys related correctly and referential integrity set correctly. 1.875 Points Some minor errors in data types for keys or creation of surrogate keys. relations or referential integrity. 1.25 Points Errors in data types for keys. No creation of surrogate keys or relations incorrect or referential integrity not set.


8/4/2019 10:06:01 PM

Database - Creation 1.5 Points Correctly named database, logically named tables created 1.125 Points Correctly named database, some minor errors in table naming/creation. 0.75 Points Incorrectly named database or poorly named tables, otherwise ok


8/4/2019 10:05:52 PM

Levels of Achievement Criteria Excellent Good OK Report - Explanations of Design Decisions 3 Points Comprehensive explanations of business rules, assumptions made, naming conventions and data types chosen. No business rules in report that are on ERD. 2.25 Points Good attempt at explanations. Some minor missing information. 1.5 Points Adequate explanations of design decisions present. Rubric Detail


8/4/2019 10:05:14 PM

Marking Criteria will be made available via a rubric on the MySCU website. C.2 Submission Format You will be required to submit your assignment materials both on the InfoTech server, and via the MySCU unit site. Your assignment submission should be in the form of a Word document and a SQL script text file. Your Word document should be named as your username_A1.doc or username_A1.docx, (e.g.,aalaei10_A1.docx). Your SQL script should be named as your username_A1.sql (e.g., aalaei10_A1.sql).

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