Create a multicultural conflict that could occur

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Reference no: EM132790497

Assignment: In this assignment, you will:

• Create a multicultural conflict that could occur within your psychology specialization. The details of this conflict may be drawn from real life or imagined, but the conflict must involve your actual cultural identities, which you analyzed in the Unit 1 assignment, Self-Reflection: Using the Hays ADDRESSING Model. This conflict will involve one or more people you could encounter in your work who have several points of cultural difference with you. An agency, business, or institution could also be part of the conflict.

• Analyze the multicultural issues that are present and consult scholarly literature to develop strategies or techniques that you can use to navigate the conflict. This assignment will help you think critically about uncomfortable situations that you may encounter in your career as a psychologist and prepare you to respond effectively in such situations.

The deliverable is a PowerPoint presentation of a case study that could be given in a professional context. A case study is an in-depth report and analysis of events, activities, or processes involving one or more people or a situation. Case studies are examined in academic contexts to prepare learners for the challenges they will face in professional practice. Working psychologists continue to consult with colleagues on case studies to improve their professional competencies.

Instructions: Complete the Multicultural Case Study Template linked in Resources for this assignment. Replace all bracketed language [...] in the PowerPoint template with your own words.

• You may wish to enhance the design of the presentation to make it more effective. For guidance on PowerPoint design, refer to the links in Resources.

• For guidance with PowerPoint fundamentals, see the Basic Tasks in PowerPoint guide in Resources. If, after reviewing this material, you need more help using PowerPoint, contact your teaching assistant. Seek help early!

Your PowerPoint should include the following:

1. Title slide:

• Enter a descriptive title of approximately 5-15 words that concisely communicates the heart of the case study. It should stir interest while maintaining professional decorum.

• Enter your name and a job title and organization that would fit with your case study. Like the case study itself, these last two elements may be fictional.

2. Case Study Overview slide: Provide the briefest possible narrative description of the case situation here. Additional supporting details and references can be added in the notes section below the slide. The overview should include:

• The professional setting of the case, based on your psychology specialization (such as treatment center, classroom, hospital, jail, or community-based setting).

3. Cultural Differences slides: On the table provided, list the main cultural identities from the Hays model, relevant to the case study conflict, of yourself and another person, agency, or institution in the case study.

• If more than one person, agency, or institution is involved in the case, make a new slide for each one, to compare yourself to all others involved.

In the notes section:

• Identify common concerns with each cultural identity. Be careful to avoid using stereotypes.

• Analyze how cultural differences contributed to the conflict in this case.

• Identify two relevant biases you have or had, and at least one strategy for improving your cultural competency around each of those biases.

4. Relevant Biases: Identify two relevant biases you have or had, and at least one strategy for improving your cultural competency around each of those biases.

5. Best Practices for Working With [Cultural Identity] slides: Identify a best practice for working with a cultural identity in this case and cite the source below. Then, briefly analyze how the best practice could help you navigate this particular relationship and conflict.

• In the notes section, describe the best practice in more detail and elaborate as needed on your analysis of how the best practice could help you navigate the relationship and conflict.

• Copy this slide as needed to address each cultural identity in this case.

6. References slides: Use current APA style and formatting guidelines.

Additional Requirements

• Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

• References: You must cite best practices from at least three scholarly research articles in this assignment. You may cite reputable sources from websites, books, textbooks, and assigned resources as well, but these will not count toward the three required scholarly research references.

• Length: A minimum of EIGHT (8) slides.

Reference no: EM132790497

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