Reference no: EM131486308
1. Class Environments
Read in Chapter 9 about Autonomy Supportive Environments in the classroom. Review Table 9.3 on the comparison of a controlling environment and an autonomy supportive environment.
For your initial post, create a model for a physical education lesson that is being taught in a controlling environment. Explain in detail how the task is introduced, taught, and assessed. You must include the following criteria:
o Name of task
o Type of authority in decision making
o Recognition of achievement
o Grouping of children
o Evaluation
o Time constraints
Your initial post can be a chart like the one below, or the information can be presented in story form.
Example: "Coach Johnson will be teaching a class how to dribble a ball while stationary. First, she will pass out equipment so each child has a ball. Then..."
2. Assessment
Assessing the mastery of a skill is an important part of any lesson. Many fundamental motor skills are combined to create the more complex motor skills. If a fundamental skill is not mastered, it will affect the development of other skills as well.
In this discussion forum you will explain how you would observe, document, and assess a fundamental motor skill. Choose a fundamental motor skill that you will assess. It can be a skill previously discussed in this course or one that has not been discussed.
a. First, provide a brief explanation of the skill and activity used to practice the skill. List all of the aspects of the skill that you will be looking for during the lesson, including the student's body and space awareness and quality of movement (e.g., balance, movement from one place to another, moving more than one body part at a time).
b. Then, discuss how you plan to observe and document during the lesson.
c. Finally, include a rubric that you have created to assess the mastery of this skill. You can find a guide for assistance with rubrics here.