Create a mission statement

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131410782


This assignment entails development of a comprehensive strategic marketing plan for a new product or service that is ready to "go to market". A Project Template is provided that allows you to organize your work in increments and see how the sections come together to produce a comprehensive plan.


This assignment requires application of concepts learned to build a strategic marketing plan for a new product or service that is ready to "go to market". You will not be allowed to mimic plans or ideas from larger or already "in-place" campaigns. You must develop the business concept in its entirety.

Describe the new product or service.
Discuss the qualities that make this product/service new to the marketplace and the rationale for your decision to pursue the concept. Be sure to pick a product or service that is ready to market. If you are developing a new product, assume that the development phase is over and you are ready to launch the product into the marketplace.

Create a Mission Statement. State your short-term MARKETING objectives (one year). Assume that the product/service is ready to launch at the beginning of the year (planning and testing have been completed).

Marketing objectives include goals for sales, profits, market share (as examples)
Objectives need to be quantifiable. Use the SMART acronym-simple, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-specific-in formulating your objectives. An objective with a 100% goal is not acceptable

Identify your target market. Provide a specific demographic profile and rationale for this decision. Another source that may help you: The US Census Bureau's American Fact Finder. Consider the size of the market and its purchasing power. Research is required to back-up your selection and to provide statistics to show that it is a viable market.


Analyze your competition. Who are they? Who are the biggest players? How large is the market? What are the trends/forecasts in the industry? How does your product/service fit in? Hoover's Pro in the Library is a good tool for this section; it may be accessed under Find Web Resources.


Provide a brief overview of the product or service.

State the features of your product/service. Show how it's innovative and different. It may be unique because of the area in which you plan to market it.
Discuss legal and ethical implications that could affect the marketing process. This will require research.

Discuss your Core Strategy and make sure to connect it to your Mission & Objectives. Include a discussion on Product/Service Positioning.


The Marketing Mix is the set of decisions about communications and promotion, price, channels of distribution, and customer relationship management. An integrated marketing communications (IMC) approach delivers a clear and consistent message to your consumers and is connected to your Core Strategy.

Discuss the aspects of the IMC. (The elements of the communication mix include: advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, publicity/public relations and personal selling.) Define each and discuss the pros and cons of the individual elements.
Provide a detailed description of your IMC approach. Explain your rationale for choosing or rejecting the specific elements (include applications to the earlier research section). What changes do you expect to make as the product/service matures?
Describe the message you wish to communicate based on your core strategy. Explain your rationale for the message. Formulate how you will communicate with your target market? Be specific. How will the internet be used in your IMC approach?
Select and explain the most suitable method for measuring advertising effectiveness. Your decision must include research to back up the selected method. Be sure to explain why this is the most effective method to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaign.

Discuss what pricing objectives you would consider for your product/service. The Objectives should be based on the various theories presented in marketing literature and take in to account competitor pricing. Including background on value proposition, positioning, and target market is necessary. All of these components provide rationale for the chosen pricing scheme.


Channels of Distribution: Specify the type of distribution channel you will use and include rationale.


Customer Relationship Management -Detail how you will incorporate CRM into your plan. Be sure to include a discussion on the role of technology that will be used to support your CRM.



The assignment requires the use of ARTICLES from the library's full-text databases. Articles are found in periodicals. These are not to be confused with eBooks or Reference Books. The most popular databases in marketing are: ABI Inform Global, Academic Search Premier, and Business Source Premier.

Your report MUST include a reference list. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. In-text citations and corresponding references should be included in your paper. For more information on APA, please visit the APA Lab. The paper should be written in third person; this means words like "I", "we" and "you" are not appropriate. The use of direct quotes is discouraged, but may be used sparingly in appropriate situations.

Reference no: EM131410782

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