Create a mini lesson including alignment with the standards

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Reference no: EM132001337

Guided Response: Reply to two peers taking the role of the 9th grade social studies teacher.

Use the suggestions made by your peers to create a mini lesson including alignment with the Common Core State Standards.; a one-day lesson objective, and a description of the activity in which the whole class will participate; any integrated technology; and how you will assess student learning.

Derrick Frazier

Let me give you a disclaimer: I do not like this scenario on Robert. It is not realistic to plan a lesson/unit around one student. Teachers do not have that kind of time or resources. It is imperative that teachers teach the standards and provide "appropriate" differentiations along the way to make sure students master the standards. I would like to look at Robert's scenario from a different angle.

A portrait is laid out as if the social studies teacher is the only one with the problem. I can imagine that all of his core teachers have the same concerns. Why can't they all work together? In fact, they should be using the same differentiated instructional strategies and technologies to maximize Robert's learning potentiality. For Robert's sake, he needs uniformity as he goes from class to class. The case study did not mentioned an IEP which is where consistency is the cornerstone among all teachers of disabilities. Once there is an IEP in place, then there are limited issues for teachers as they go from lesson to lesson and unit to unit.

Below are a few differentiates that will be suitable for Robert's educational plan in each of his courses including Social Studies where the barriers have been highlighted in Robert's case study.

Differentiated instruction strategies

Pair Share and cooperative groups: Student interaction with one another is vital for the educational process. When students share their learning, it is a way for teachers to check for understanding as the students take ownership of their learning.

Instructional Videos: Show content videos such as on Civil War. The teacher can show small clips in class and the students can have good educational debates. The teachers can also flip the classroom occasionally and have the students to take intense notes at home from Khan Academy, textbook, or YouTube videos.

Push in model: ESE teacher and classroom volunteers can go into the class to work with students who need additional help

Instructional technologies.

Record the lessons:

Set up a Swivl which will video and audio record the teacher as he goes around the room. The students can be a part of the recording as long as they are near or have the recording device. The Swivl can help Robert to feel a part of the class as he participates in the discussions. The teacher can upload the videos on the class website.

Screen cast: The teacher can record PowerPoint, Google slides, and other presentations while teaching. The teacher can post the videos on the class web page so that students like Robert who are limited in taking notes, can go online to review the lessons. In addition, Robert will have a Screen Cast on his school Chrome book where he can complete assignments due to his limitation to writing.

Read Aloud: A Text to Speech Voice Reader: All materials should be in a format that can be read using the Google Read Aloud app.
Google Voice Typing: Robert can use Voice Typing to take notes and to complete writing assignments.

I could be a good student and just answer the question about TPACK. But before I do, why is the TPACK framework important? The information seems to be just common knowledge that individuals have put together to suggest that it is something new. It is one more thing that teachers have to internalize. This frustrates me. When is enough, "enough"? Although researchers come up with grand ideas, school districts, colleges, and universities should not assume that all teachers want to know about them. People often wonder why teachers leave the profession. There is little consistency. I do realize that teachers should be getting our students ready for the 21st Century, but some of the concepts and ideas in the educational programs across the country are not worth the time or energy of the teachers. I have digressed.

TPACK (2018) "is a technology integration framework that identifies three types of knowledge instructors need to combine for successful edtech integration-technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (a.k.a. TPACK)".

"Content Knowledge (CK)-what are you teaching and what is your own knowledge of the subject," (TPACK, 2018).

For this case study, the history teacher is the expert on the Civil War.
"Pedagogical Knowledge (PK)-how do your students learn best and what instructional strategies do you need to meet their needs and the requirements of the lesson plan," (TPACK, 2018).

Robert is an auditory learner and a logical/ mathematical thinker. The in class videos or blended model approach will allow him to learn by listening. Plus, he will be able to learn from his peers through the pair share strategy or cooperative groups.

"Technological Knowledge (TK)-what digital tools are available to you, which do you know well enough to use, and which would be most appropriate for the lesson at hand," (TPACK, 2018).

The Google Voice Typing app will allow Robert to take notes. He will be able to speak using a head set microphone.
Read Aloud App will allow Robert to be read to at a normal pace; and he will have the option to stop and rewind.

The Google Voice Typing, the Read Aloud App, YouTube, and class web pages are free. And there are no copyright infringement. The school has purchased Swivls for each of the 9th grade core classes. Next year, the 10th grade teachers will get Swivls followed by the 11th and then the 12thgrade teachers. There is no training needed for the voice typing or the read aloud app; but too my knowledge, Internet is required; however, Robert qualifies for free Internet through the cable company. The Screencast's free version is sufficient for Robert and all teachers.

When working with inexperienced teachers, it is best to give out strategies and technologies that has been tried by the mentor. Unless those two teachers or a pool of teachers are trying out new resources together. Additional strategies can be found below as well as in the reference section.

TPACK in 2 Minutes.

Effective Teaching Strategies.

Flipped Classroom Model: Why, How, and Overview.

How to use the Read Aloud Chrome Extension? (2017, December 21).

How to type with your voice in Google Docs. (2017, November 2). Retrieved from: How to type with your voice in Google Docs

Swivl. (2015, April 29). Swivl Overview. Retrieved from: Swivl Overview

TPACK. (2018).

Rebecca Brown

Robert already knowing he has difficulties should not be made to do tasks he struggles with, but the teacher should be able to engage and incorporate assignments to adjust to his needs while still following the curriculum standards. The teacher knows that writing and reading are difficult for Robert to manage in the classroom setting.

Having a auditory devices available with the book so that Robert can follow along and listen at home would be beneficial to him. This way he is able to try and follow along in the book and what he is missing in the book he is able to catch up through the audio playing to him in his ears. This allows him two ways to retain the knowledge needed in the classroom, as he may be having some days that are better than others that lead to less aid.

The teacher could also pear groups together in a way that would be beneficial for Robert using the tiered assignment model that divides the class into learning groups based on students abilities, class structure, and complexity of assignments (Hackett & Hasty (2012)). HavingRobert a part of a group he is able to use technology such as voice to text on a notebook system, which allows him to be able to participate in his group in place of writing. This could also allow another avenue for a fellow peer to write for Robert or for the group to write as a collaborative whole instead of as individuals so Robert is not singled out, Robert has a problem with weakness in his limbs and writing and typing is difficult, which makes grading this method quite difficult in class.

As a teacher I would limit the writing to short words and add in the technology of speech activated text on a notebook computer to be printed for test papers or school work. This helps improve Robert's grade as well as his frustration in school and heightens his confidence to grow academically and in himself educationally.

Having the multiple uses intertwined into the classroom and lesson plan for Robert works with the TPACK knowledge of technology integration that is required of teachers(

The teacher will also want to involve the other students with educating them on Robert's condition. This may also be a good opportunity for Robert to share with his peer if he feels comfortable doing so his journey with living with Spina Bifida. Having Robert share may help bring his peers closer to him and form relationships with him he may not have had. This will also help him with improving in his class work and lesson retention and comprehension.

Hackett, N., & Hasty, E. (2012, March). Differentiated instruction: How to ensure success for all students.
TPACK ORG. (n.d.)

Reference no: EM132001337

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