Create a method named justsold that increments the hotdogs

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13941193

You operate several hot dog stands distributed throughout town. Define a class named HotDogStand that has a member variable for the hot dog stand's ID number and a member variable for how many hot dogs the stand has sold that day. Create a constructor that allows a user of the class to initialize both values.

Also create a method named justSold that increments the number of hot dogs the stand has sold by one. The idea is that this method will be invoked each time the stand sells a hot dog so that we can track the total number of hot dogs sold by the stand. Add another method that returns the number of hot dogs sold.

Finally, add a static variable that tracks the total number of hotdogs sold by all hot dog stands and a static method that returns the value in this variable.

Write a main method to test your class with at least three hot dog stands that each sell a variety of hot dogs.

In this exercise, you should provide implementations for the following constructor and methods:

public HotDogStand()
public HotDogStand(int newID, int newNumSold)
public int getID()
public void setID(int newID)
public void justSold()
public int getNumSold()
public static int getTotalSold()


getTotalSold() should be declared as a static method.

When a hot dog is sold, both the counter for the stand and the counter for the total number of hot dogs sold (at all stands) should be incremented.

* This program defines a class for tracking hot dog sales. It tracks the
* stand's ID number, hot dogs sold at each stand, and hot dogs sold at
* all stands.

public class HotDogStand {
* Total hot dogs sold at all stands
private static int totalSold = 0;

* Number of hot dogs sold at this stand
private int numSold = 0;

* ID number for this stand
private int id = 0;

// --------------------------------
// ----- ENTER YOUR CODE HERE -----
// --------------------------------

// --------------------------------
// --------- END USER CODE --------
// --------------------------------

public static void main(String[] args) {
HotDogStand s1 = new HotDogStand();
HotDogStand s2 = new HotDogStand(2, 0);
HotDogStand s3 = new HotDogStand(3, 0);



System.out.println("Stand " + s1.getID() + " sold " + s1.getNumSold());
System.out.println("Stand " + s2.getID() + " sold " + s2.getNumSold());
System.out.println("Stand " + s3.getID() + " sold " + s3.getNumSold());
System.out.println("Total sold = " + HotDogStand.getTotalSold());


System.out.println("Stand " + s1.getID() + " sold " + s1.getNumSold());
System.out.println("Stand " + s2.getID() + " sold " + s2.getNumSold());
System.out.println("Stand " + s3.getID() + " sold " + s3.getNumSold());
System.out.println("Total sold = " + HotDogStand.getTotalSold());

Reference no: EM13941193

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