Create a method called multiply

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM131744024


Every question need as asm type.

1. Celo - write a program to throw three dice, 100 times. Add each triplet and count how many times each occurred. Print the results as a bar graph. EC Determine which total appeared the most.

2. Write a program to create 120 random numbers from 1 to 15. Count how many times each appeared. Print out the each number and its counts.

After you print them out, print them out in order. (Think, this is jokingly easy)

3. Create a method called multiply. Use it to multiply read in to integers and multiply them and the print out: 13*6 = 78(assume the ints were 3 and 6)

Hint, use ecx and adding only.

So far I only learn chapter 1-5, so only can use code between these chapters.


number dword 1
plus byte " + ",0
equals byte " = ",0
dash byte "============================================",0
main PROC
call clrscr
mov ecx, 10

push ecx
mov ecx, 10 ; 1 to 10
mov eax,number; number table
call writedec
mov edx,offset plus
call writestring

mov ebx,11
sub ebx,ecx ;these two lines give me 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
mov eax,ebx
call writedec
mov edx,offset equals
call writestring
add eax,number
call writedec
call crlf
loop table
mov eax , lightblue+ 16*black
call settextcolor
mov edx,offset dash
call writestring
mov eax,white+16*black
call settextcolor
mov eax, 2000
call delay
call crlf
inc number
pop ecx
loop outer

main ENDP

end main

Text Book: Assembly Language for x86 Processors (Sixth edition).

Reference no: EM131744024

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