Create a math game for young kids

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM132081416

Needs to be coded in C#

Create a math game for young kids. This game should be themed with material a small child would enjoy. For instance, if you had a son/daughter that liked Star Wars, use Pictures and Sounds from the Star Wars movies. Or you could do a sports themed game so that when they get an answer correct they hear a crowd cheer.

The Game will consist of at least 4 Forms/Windows, which will be where the user enters their info, the main menu, where the game is played, and where the final score is displayed.

Before the user can play the game they must enter their information (Name and age). This information must be validated. On the main form of the game the options to choose from are to enter/edit user information, or play a game.

Once their information is entered they can choose which type of game they wish to play (Add, Subtract, Multiply, or Divide). Next the user can begin the game.

As the game is being played the user should have the option to cancel the current game and return to the main menu. The game will consist of ten timed questions. When the user clicks star,t a clock/Timer will appear, begin to tick (incremented every second), and the first question will appear.

For example the first question may be "1 + 2 = ___". The user may enter their answer at this point, then click a submit button (must be able to just press the "enter" key also). The user is then told whether the answer is correct or not, and the current answer is cleared away. Next the game will move on to the next question. After all ten questions have been answered the final score screen should be displayed.

The user's score should be displayed on the final score screen in a fun or meaningful way. Think about how to present the score to a child that would make them smile or try harder the next time they play the game.

The idea is to present the child's score using fonts, colors, pictures, and sounds that draws their attention to how they did on the game. For instance if they got a perfect score, you could show a type of image that represents this, if they got a low score, show a different type of image. After the final score screen is displayed the user may return to the main screen to play the next game of their choice

Be careful when choosing questions for the user. Remember that this is for small children. You want the questions to have random numbers, but you also want them to make sense. For instance you don't want a question to be "123456 + 8765 = ____". Also be very careful if the user chooses the divide game. Little kids don't want to divide 18 by 5. Keep the division to whole number answers "10 / 2 = ____".

The purpose of this game is to become more familiar with the use of classes. You will need to create classes of at least types "User" and "Game". Make sure to keep all your business logic out of the UI.

The "User" class will hold all of the user's information (which may be edited using the "edit" option from the main menu).

The "Game" class will be used to create the game questions. The type of game will be passed into this class so that the class can generate the appropriate questions. Also the answer to each question will be passed into this class and the class will determine if the answer was correct or not.

All methods need to have exception handling. Top level methods need to handle the exception and alert the user to the exception, and lower level called methods need to raise the exception up to calling methods. See example "Chapter 13 Exceptions".

Make sure all business logic is in separate classes and not behind the UI.

Reference no: EM132081416

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