Create a marketing proposal for the product

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Reference no: EM131323418

Assignment: Create a Marketing Proposal

For this assignment you will create a marketing proposal for the product (or industry) you selected for Discussion 2.

As the marketing manager, you have been asked to create a marketing proposal for the product or industry you selected. In your introduction, give a history of the product or industry you have selected earlier. Who are the key competitors?

In the body of your paper identify the problems in the current marketing campaigns and suggest areas of improvement. Do you see any new opportunities in the marketplace that companies (in the industry or who sell the product) could take advantage of and perhaps grow the market share? Develop realistic and measurable goals that will help the company assess the effectiveness of their marketing.

In your conclusion, based on your research, provide direction for future marketing efforts.

In a minimum of 400 words write this paper and use a minimum of three scholarly resources when writing this paper. The resources you use must be placed on the reference page, and each reference must be cited in the body of your report. You must use APA formatting.


Discussion 2

Product: Robotic Self-Driving Car

The product I have chosen is the Robotic self-driving car that is currently being developed by Google X. This is a car that has no pedals nor does it have a steering wheel. Google X plans to make these cars public by 2020. They are currently being tested by two test drivers, one who sits in the driver's seat to take control in an emergency and one who sits in the passengers' seat taking notes about problems that need to be fixed and about traffic scenarios that need to be studied. The driverless cars have already logged more than 2 million miles in six years (Liedtke, 2015). The cars are controlled through a combination of sensors, lasers, software, and intricate maps. The only people sitting in the driverless cars by 2020 will be passengers.

This robotic car is of great interest and is the future of transportation. There will be fewer accidents and less life taking events. The roads are dangerous and many people lose their lives as a result of distracted driving. These cars will be able to calculate speed, location, traffic, and much more! Who would have ever imagined being in a car and telling it where you want to go while sitting back reading a book only to arrive at your destination without getting lost and better yet less stressed. This is the future! This is so exciting and it can't happen soon enough.

This would be a terrific product to work with. Being a test driver of one of these cars during its creation would be an opportunity of a life time. This jobs requires a sense of adventure doing something that is not supposed to be humanly possible. Drivers are taught to take control of the robot car whenever there is any moment of doubt or danger. You would need to have a combination of good judgment, patience, and fearlessness (Liedtke, 2015). Being part of this advanced technology would be life changing.

The benefits of an autonomous car will change our lives. Roads will be safer. In the U.S. more than 30,000 people die in traffic related accidents every year (Thompson, 2016). Self-driving cars could drastically reduce the number of accidents helping save thousands of lives. Traffic and fuel efficiency will greatly improve. There will be better traffic flow and less fuel consumption because cars will be automated and there will be less chance of accidents leading to less traffic congestion. You will have more free time. With the car doing most or all of the driving, you will be free to make the most of your time spent in the vehicle.

The potential risks of the self-driving car are people who make a living driving (taxi drivers, Uber, freight transportation drivers) may lose their jobs. Since self-driving cars are run by computers, there are concerns of privacy being protected (Peralta, 2016). The costs implementing the new technology could be far out of reach for many Americans. Also, there is the difficult question of who would be responsible for an accident, the car, the driver, manufacturer, or the software developer.

There are several competitors in the market who are manufacturing these self-driving cars and Google is leading the pack with the most test driven road mileage, second is Delphi and following Delphi is Volkswagen. They are in direct competition and trying to be the first in the race to perfect driverless cars (McFarland, Fung, 2015).

Google X is way ahead of the competition logging in over 2 million miles of test driven roadway in 6 years and continuously racking up mileage today. Google plans to make these cars available to the public in 2020.


Liedtke, M. (2015, October 6). Would you like to be a driverless car driver. Retrieved from

McFarland, M., Fung, B. (2015, January 15). These charts show who's lapping whom in the race to perfect driverless car. Retrieved from

Peralta, M. (2015, May 31). Self-driving cars pros and cons: why these cars can be both good and bad. Retrieved from

Thompson, C. (2016, June 10). The 3 biggest ways self-driving cars will improve our lives.Retrieved from

Reference no: EM131323418

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