Create a main function to test the split function

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13696506

Question: Create a function named split() that will split a string into elements based on a delimiter which separates the elements of a string.

split() will return the number of elements added to the array, if no elements are added it will return 0.

split() will accept three parameters;

Part a: The address of an array, the array holds the string objects.

Part b: The string to be split into elements

Part c: The delimiter which separates the elements of the string, the delimiter may use any number of characters that specifies the break between elements you wish to extract.

Problem: Create a main function to test the split function, display the string prior to calling the split() function. Display the return value of the split function. Display each element of the vector after the split() function returns.

It must compile with no errors and follow the directions and preparer the main function to test the split function.

Reference no: EM13696506

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