Reference no: EM131917361
General guidelines
When creating the folder and file names for your programs, please use the conventions specified by your instructor. Otherwise, for a program that consists of a single file, use this naming convention: first last where first last specifies your first and last name and wkXX specifies the chapter number, as in wk05. For programs that have multiple files, store the files in a folder named first lastbaseball_wkgX.
When creating names for variables and functions, please use the guidelines and recommendations specified by your instructor. Otherwise, use the guidelines and recommendations specified in Murach's Python Programming.
User interfaces
You should think of the user interfaces that are shown for the case studies as starting points. If you can improve on them, especially to make them more user-friendly, by all means do so.
You should think of the specifications that are given for the case studies as starting points. If you have the time to enhance the programs by improving on the starting specifications, by all means do so.
Top-down development
Always start by developing a working version of the program. That way, you'll have something to show for your efforts if you run out of time. Then, you can build out that version of the program until it satisfies all of the specifications.
From chapter 5 on, you should use top-down coding and testing as you develop your programs. You might also want to sketch out a hierarchy chart for each program as a guide to your top-down coding.
Test and debug the program
Create a list of valid entries and the correct results for each set of entries. Then, make sure that the results are correct when you test with these entries.
Create a list of invalid entries. These should include entries that test the limits of the allowable values. Then, handle the invalid integers (such as negative integers and unreasonably large integers). In addition, make sure the user can't enter data that doesn't make sense (such as a player having more hits than at bats).
Don't attempt to handle invalid entries that cause exceptions, such as the user entering a string like "x" for an integer value. You can do that after you read chapter 8.
Tip: whenever needed please provide screenshots of your debugging. Thorough Test Plan also would be a BIG plus.
Attachment:- Ginakim-Baseball.rar