Create a list of students and the programs they are pursuing

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131706168

The problems below are for the first discussion thread.

1. Create a SQL query that extracts all departments and the courses that are within that department. Order the data by program in ascending order.

2. Create a query that lists all students' last names and first names, the description of the program they are pursuing, the number of credits they have, and the total required credits for the program. Order the list by Student Lastname in descending order.

3. Create a list that shows each course code, course description, and studentID, along with the student's mark in that course. You do not have to list the student's name. Order the data by course description in ascending order.

4. Show all course IDs for a student named Jose Ramirez. Include Jose's last name, first name, and grade in each course.

5. Create a list of students and the programs they are pursuing. List only those students whose number of credits is less than the required credits in their program.

6. Show a list of all courses, their credit hours, and descriptions of their departments.

7. Show a list of all courses, their credit hours, and descriptions of their departments. Include only those courses whose course code starts with an M.

8. Extract the average GPA of all students.

9. Extract the name of each course and the average GPA of all students in that course. Order the data by course in descending order.

10. Extract the name of each program and the average number of credits earned by students in that program.

11. Extract The lastname and firstname of each student, the course codes(s) associated with that student, and his or her grade.

12. Extract each course code, its description, and its credit hours. Also extract all student IDs associated with that course code and the department to which the course belongs.

13. Extract the name of each program, the description of that program, the lastname and first name of all students in the program, and the course IDs of all courses the students have taken.

14. Extract the lastname and firstname of each student, the course codes the students have taken, and the credit hours of each course they have taken. Include only those students whose lastnames start with an S.

15. Extract the lastname and firstname of each student. Include only those students whose GPA is lower than the average GPA of all students.

16. Extract the lastname and firstname of each student, as well as his or her number of earned credits. Include only those students whose number of credits is less than the average number of credits of all students.

17. Extract the lastname and firstname of each student, as well as his or her number of credits. Include only those students whose numcreditsvalue is higher than the student with the lowest number of credits.

18. Extract the lastname and firstname of each student and their number of credits. Include only those students whose numcreditsvalue is lower than the student who has the highest number of credits.

19. Extract the name of each course that has credit hours higher than the course with the minimum number of credit hours of all courses.

20. Extract the name of each course that has credit hours that is lower than the average number of credit hours of all courses.

Attachment:- Discussion Problems.rar

Reference no: EM131706168

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