Reference no: EM131217188 , Length: 3
Foundation of Movement & Motor Activites
Create a lesson plan to teach a fundamental skill for an early childhood physical education class (Pre-K to 3rd grade).
To create your lesson plan, start by reviewing and assessing that the skill(s) in your lesson plan are developmentally appropriate by visiting National PE Standards website.
An example of a skill is: "Demonstrate the relationship of under, over, behind, next to, through, right, left, up, down, forward, backward, and in front of by using the body and an object." Then, review Table 7.3 in Chapter 7 for appropriate activities.
Your lesson plan should include the following components:
1. Title Page
2. Section 1: Lesson Information
Identify the following:
- Grade level (specify what age/grade)
- Estimated level of developmental stage for this age/grade
- Number of students
- Fundamental skill to be taught
- State standard (see the list of National PE Standards and indicate which state)
3. Section 2: Lesson Introduction
- Provide a brief description of the lesson
- Create a student learning objective: (e.g. "As result of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate _________".)
- Describe your system for classroom management and student grouping (e.g. class rules, consequences, rewards, and organization of the class during the activity)
- Describe the equipment needed and the environment (e.g. classroom, gym, outdoors, etc.)
4. Reference page
•Include at least one outside resource.
Your title page, lesson plan, and reference page should be formatted in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
The lesson plan will be two to three pages, in addition to the reference and title pages.
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