Reference no: EM133123524
GIS and Environmental Management Practical
You should now be equipped with the necessary skills (and confidence) to use ArcGIS Pro to assess suitability for a variety of different scenarios. For this assessment you have been commissioned by Manchester City Council to conduct suitability analysis and you are required to create a land suitability map relating to sites that are suitable for residential development (you may choose the type of development but you should consider the aspects of urban sustainability). The information you are provided with is a landuse raster map of a suburban area of Manchester as well as the elevation that cover the area, with associated vector files for you to base your suitability on. The folder containing this information is on GCU Learn in the assessment tab. There is a zipped folder please save to your desktop and then unzip and rename the folder with your name. There are 2 types of data stored here: elevation data and landuse in raster format and other points of interest (vector) which are in a database The raster map is a landuse map that consists of the following:
Landuse category Landuse Characteristic
1 Parkland
2 Urban - mixed residential
3 Urban - commercial
4 urban - industrial
5 Urban - vacant (including Brownfield)
6 Open space (vegetated area with no protected status)
7 Allotments
8 forest
9 water
The vector folder contains the following information:
Name Details
Bus Bus terminals (points)
Parks point
Community Community centres, libraries, museums and the like - point vector
Roads Major roads -Line vector
retail Shopping and retail centres - point vector
schools Primary and secondary schools - point vector
Using the skills you have acquired from the spatial analyst tutorials you are required to create a map that shows the suitable sites for development. It is up to you to determine the suitability criteria and apply it, but you should be able to justify it, but remember that the principles should be based on urban sustainability. You are required to share your one drive folder with me when you upload the report.
Your report should consist of a maximum of 4 pages relating to the following
The approach chosen - why and what your criteria for multi evaluation is based on with explanation of steps
A copy of the cartographic (model builder) diagram that outlines the steps
A map that clearly shows the locations suitable for development
A discussion of your findings with particular reference to any limitations either in the approach chosen or the information provided.
Although this is a technical report, you are encouraged to refer to academic journals wherever possible.
Attachment:- GIS and Environmental Management Practical.rar