Create a jsp project to collect the details of customers

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131145248


1. Create a JSP project to collect the following details of Customers:
o Create a .java (bean) file with the following variables.
1. First Name
2. Last Name
3. Age
4. Date of Birth
5. Email ID
6. Phone Number
o Create a constructor
o Create getters and setters for all the above variables
o Create a .jsp file to display them with appropriate headings.
o Create Java Package and place the bean file inside.

2. Create a JSP Project with the following details:
o Declare all these variables in a class file which is inside a package:
1. Director Name
2. Movie Name
3. Duration
4. Actor Name
5. Genre
6. Actress Name
o Create another bean file and put it in the same package.
o In the bean file declare the following variables.
1. Production company name
2. Producer
3. Year of release

4. Collection Details ($)
o Now, display all of the details in a .jsp page and proceed to another jsp file to say, "Thanks for the information. Have a nice day!"
o Create appropriate constructors
o Create getters and setters for all the variables in the respective class files.
o The results should be displayed as a formatted output. Use appropriate colors.

Reference no: EM131145248

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