Create a job class using the given properties

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM132193441

Question: Create a Job class that has 3 properties: a job number, estimated hours, and price for the job. You need to use an auto-implemented property for the job number, and provide get and set accessors for estimated hours. The price field value is calculated as estimated hours times $45 whenever the hours values is set, and the Price property is read-only. Create a constructor that requires parameters for job number and estimated hours only. Also, include a ToString()method that overrides the Object class's ToString() method and returns a string that contains the class name (using GetType()) and the job's data field values.

The Job class has a child class named RushJob that includes an auto-implemented property, which holds an additional charge for the job. For the RushJob class, you need to create a constructor that accepts job number, estimated hours, and additional charge. Also, override the Object class's ToString() method and return a string that contains the class name and all data field values, as well as the total price (i.e., price + additional charge).

Finally, create an application class named JobDemo that instantiates one Job object and one RushJobobject. Then call ToString() method and display the info of each object on the screen.

Reference no: EM132193441

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