Create a java project named assessment and a package called

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131578871

1. Create a Java project named Assessment and a package called Assessment.
2. Create a class called BirdArrayList with a main method.
3. In the Main method you are to:
a. Initialise an ArrayList
b. Add 5 bird names to the ArrayList (you can choose the names of the birds, for example Australian King Parrot)
c. Create an input dialog to ask the user to either:
1. Add a bird to the ArrayList
2. Remove an element in the ArrayList
3. Search for an element in the ArrayList
4. Display the ArrayList
5. Quit the program.
d. Call the appropriate method for the entered selection
e. Keep asking the above selection until they quit the program.
4. You will need to create a method named addEntry() which will:
a. Add a new bird name to the ArrayList that has been supplied from an input dialog
b. Display the ArrayList when the new bird name has been added.

You will need to create a method named deleteEntry() that will:
c. Use a sequential search (for loop) to find the bird name to be deleted that has been supplied from an input dialog
d. If the bird name to be deleted is found in the ArrayList, confirm if it is to be deleted and if so, remove the bird name from the ArrayList
e. If not found, display an error message
f. Finally, display the array.
5. You will need to create a method to search the ArrayList.
a. Use a binary search algorithm for the search method which includes a sort function. Do not use the Java.util.Arrays.binarySearch() method, but write the binary search algorithm code.
b. Display the array element and the array index.

6. You will need to create a method to display the elements of an ArrayList.

7. All program code must contain:
a. comments in program code that contain details of the program
b. comments attributing code source where you are not the original code author
c. variables that are written in the lowerCamelCase naming convention, except where loop control variables are used
d. methods with Javadocs comments
e. other comments within methods that explain significant logic or points reached in the logic.
8. When you have completed coding your program, generate Javadoc documentation.



Reference no: EM131578871

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