Create a human resource management plan for an organisation

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132247721

Assignment: Case Study: Create a Human Resource Management Plan for an organisation

Learning Outcomes: Develop a human resource management plan for a specific organisation.


Word count: 1,200 words excluding your referencing, tables and appendices. You should present your assignment in the form of a Management Report.

Reference correctly in-text and include a full reference section. Well-reasoned conclusions are presented.
Punctuation and grammar are correct.

Case Study Scenario (Attached)


Kiwi Know How Limited specialises in providing workplace training courses in New Zealand for the tourism industry. The company specialises in running face to face training in client offices in the areas of
- Customer service training
- Management training

Assignment Task

Your task in this assignment is to create a Human Resource Management plan for the organisation. The plan is focused on the next five years. This should include as a minimum, the following sections

• Introduction
• Environmental trends (political, economic, social / demographic and technological) that could impact the human resource situation for the organisation.
• Assessing likely HR availability - to include an assessment of likely turnover and attrition forecasts, existing recruitment and / or succession plans
• Forecasting HR requirements - this should take into account the impact of any environmental trends or impacts from HR availability assessment. You should include
o An assessment of how many roles (full-time equivalent) will be needed and a summary of their purpose
o Any changes to overall organisation or approach with justification
• Gap analysis - what is the gap likely to be between supply and demand (HR availability and HR requirements).
• Recommendations for action - this may include, but is not limited to, recommendations in the following areas
o External Recruitment - numbers
o Internal movements - promotions, redeployments
o Outplacing / redundancies
o Outsourcing of any functions
o Training and development requirements
o Any other requirements

Attachment:- Case Study.rar

Verified Expert

This study has been helpful in developing understanding of human resource planning and its importance in organization’s profitability. Managing people and channelize their skills towards organizational objectives is one of the main tasks of human resource department. Moreover, this study has been helpful in widening the knowledge that external environmental factors have impact on internal management operations. Additionally, this study has been helpful in providing insight of specific requirements that need to be done to develop a trendy and effective human resource planning process.

Reference no: EM132247721

Questions Cloud

What are specific laws and rules of psychological services : What are the specific laws and rules regarding the documentation of psychological services? What are the differences between the requirements for clinical work.
Concepts of perception-common biases and errors : Discussion: Please use the concepts of perception, common biases and errors in decision making to analyze the GM recall case in this article.
Analyze the recidivism rates for sex crimes : Analyze the recidivism rates for sex crimes and offer your opinion, supported by research, on the effectiveness of treatment. Be sure to include research.
He had been the heart and soul of apple innovation : Steve Jobs passed away in October 2011. Until his death, he had been the heart and soul of Apple’s innovation.
Create a human resource management plan for an organisation : MGT209 Managing Human Resources - Southern Institute of Technology - Develop a human resource management plan for a specific organisation
Discusses several leadership traits relevant : Discusses several Leadership Traits relevant to negotiations-conflict resolution, such as, self-monitoring, locus of control and high level of machiavellianism
How does contrast make a poor choice seem better : What is framing and does it differ from contrast? How does contrast make a poor choice seem better? What is the representativeness heuristic?
How did your client respond to your questions : Evaluate the Questions: After you have identified examples of 5 open and 5 open questions in your transcript, write an evaluation of the effectiveness.
World leading operating system and applications : Microsoft took an early lead in the development of skate devices (like the iPad), and it had the world’s leading operating system and applications



8/20/2019 3:02:12 AM

My request was to prepare the plan under the Human resource management subject. I was skpetical whether your writer can handle my assignment or not but I have to say I got exactly what I was expected. I am grateful for your efforts.


8/20/2019 2:59:15 AM

This assignment contributes only around 25% towards total grade make sure you are 100% ready to work on my assignment. Provide me with a quality assignment according to the marking criteria. Human Resource Management Plan for an organisation should as per the structure please ensure each point is covered before the final delivery.


3/4/2019 9:51:06 PM

Its 1200 words excluding APA referencing.Please read the marking scheme before and while doing. Need it by wed 6th External Recruitment - numbers please make sure Punctuation and grammar are correct.


3/4/2019 9:50:41 PM

Research Weighting 20% No scholarly sources, no evidence of research or not relevant for the task. Very limited understanding. The research has not been linked to the main text. Less than 3 scholarly sources or sources are not relevant for the task. Limited understanding. Little evidence of meaningful integration of the research with the main text. 3-4 scholarly sources. Some sources lack relevance or authority but are still appropriate for the task. Adequate understanding. The research could be incorporated with the main text more consistently. 4-5 scholarly sources. Sources are mostly well-chosen, authoritative and appropriate for the task. Good understanding. The research is integrated with the main text. 6+ scholarly sources. Sources are well- chosen, authoritative and are appropriate for the task. Excellent understanding. The research is very well integrated with the main text.


3/4/2019 9:50:36 PM

Writing Weighting 5% No consideration for presentation. Muddled writing that is very difficult to follow. Numerous grammatical errors. Multiple spelling errors. Acceptable presentation. Long winded and some clear writing presentation. Some grammatical errors. Multiple spelling errors. Tidy presentation. Mostly clear writing but at times long winded. Writing style lacks consideration. Few issues around grammar. Less than 5 spelling errors. Professional presentation. Clear writing mainly to the point. Considered writing style. Excellent grammar with only minor oversights. Polished presentation. Clear and concise writing. Mature and appropriate writing style. Excellent grammar, correct in all aspects. Less than 3 spelling errors. No spelling errors.


3/4/2019 9:50:31 PM

Organisation/ logic Weighting 5% No flow. No argument. Poorly organised and difficult to read. Does not flow logically from one part to another. The argument is not clear. Generally well organised although the flow of the argument is not always logical. Argument is clear and mostly sound. Coherently organised and logical formation of sound argument. Exceptionally well structured. Logic is easy to follow. Arguments are sound and convincing.


3/4/2019 9:50:26 PM

The student has developed recommendations that are appropriate in light of the information provided and the analysis that has been undertaken. Weighting 20% No attempt to produce recommendations or recommendations bear no relation to the analysis or information provided in the case study. A few recommendations are provided but overall there is no depth of thought. Recommendations do not seem strongly linked to the analysis that has been undertaken. Some sound recommendations but there may be gaps or some recommendations do not follow on logically from the analysis that has been undertaken. Mostly sound recommendations. Any gaps are minor. Sound recommendations follow on logically from the analysis that has been undertaken and the information provided in the case study.


3/4/2019 9:50:21 PM

The student has Little or no Assessment of Assessment of Most relevant Polished assessed supply assessment of supply and some supply and supply and assessment of and demand supply and demand factors is demand factors. demand factors relevant supply and information in demand factors as limited. Major Major factors are have been demand factors. relation to they relate to factors not adequately assessed. Minor developing a developing an HR covered. addressed but omissions or human resource errors.


3/4/2019 9:50:16 PM

Criteria E (0-39) D (40-49) C (50-64) B (65-79) A (80-100) The student has appropriately evaluated environmental information and the potential impacts for developing a human resource management plan No reference made to environmental factors or the potential impact of environmental information is incorrect. Few environmental factors are assessed or few implications of environmental information are identified. Environmental factors are assessed but limited insight is drawn from this or some of the insight is not in line with the information provided. Most environmental factors have been assessed and their likely impact on the organisation has been identified. Polished review of environmental factors. Potential impacts with regard to HR plan have been assessed.


3/4/2019 9:50:00 PM

This is a compulsory assignment. It must be submitted and makes up 25% of your the final result for this paper. The completed assignment is to be submitted to your facilitator via Blackboard by the due date. Word count: 1,200 words excluding your referencing, tables and appendices. You should present your assignment in the form of a Management Report. Reference correctly in-text and include a full reference section. Well-reasoned conclusions are presented. Punctuation and grammar are correct.

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