Reference no: EM132247721
Assignment: Case Study: Create a Human Resource Management Plan for an organisation
Learning Outcomes: Develop a human resource management plan for a specific organisation.
Word count: 1,200 words excluding your referencing, tables and appendices. You should present your assignment in the form of a Management Report.
Reference correctly in-text and include a full reference section. Well-reasoned conclusions are presented.
Punctuation and grammar are correct.
Case Study Scenario (Attached)
Kiwi Know How Limited specialises in providing workplace training courses in New Zealand for the tourism industry. The company specialises in running face to face training in client offices in the areas of
- Customer service training
- Management training
Assignment Task
Your task in this assignment is to create a Human Resource Management plan for the organisation. The plan is focused on the next five years. This should include as a minimum, the following sections
• Introduction
• Environmental trends (political, economic, social / demographic and technological) that could impact the human resource situation for the organisation.
• Assessing likely HR availability - to include an assessment of likely turnover and attrition forecasts, existing recruitment and / or succession plans
• Forecasting HR requirements - this should take into account the impact of any environmental trends or impacts from HR availability assessment. You should include
o An assessment of how many roles (full-time equivalent) will be needed and a summary of their purpose
o Any changes to overall organisation or approach with justification
• Gap analysis - what is the gap likely to be between supply and demand (HR availability and HR requirements).
• Recommendations for action - this may include, but is not limited to, recommendations in the following areas
o External Recruitment - numbers
o Internal movements - promotions, redeployments
o Outplacing / redundancies
o Outsourcing of any functions
o Training and development requirements
o Any other requirements
Attachment:- Case Study.rar