Reference no: EM133781070
Activity 1
We have completed these activities in today's class. Please answer the following scenarios by pasting a screenshot of the solution underneath each question. All of the below scenarios/questions must be answered.
1. Calculated Field - Practice 1 - We have been asked to show a visualization comparing the average unit price of each sub-category
2. Text Table - Category, Sub-Category, Segment, Sales and Profit.
3. Spotlighting - Create a text table showing the total sales of each sub-category in each segment. We are asked to spotlight those that are not as good as expected, specifically, when the total sales are smaller than $10,000.
4. Calculated Field - Practice 4 - Create a horizontal bar chart to show the profits of each subcategory of each category. We want to show negative profits in red, and positive in blue.
5. Table Calculation - Show the difference in sales to the previous month of the year
6. Dual Axis Maps
i. Create a new worksheet
ii. Drag Country into the view è a map will appear
iii. Hold CTRL and drag Longitude pill to the Columns shelf.
iv. Drag States into both maps
v. Format the map on the left to become a filled map with Sales as color.
vi. Format the map on the right to become a symbol map with the Profit defining the size of the square.
vii. Right-click on the second Longitude pill and choose Dual Axis è The two maps will be merged into one.
7. Combination Charts - Show the sum of sales as bars with a line across the bars showing the sum of profit.
Activity 2
We have completed these activities in today's class. Please answer the following scenarios by pasting a screenshot of the solution underneath each question. All of the below scenarios/questions must be answered.
1. Scenario (Reference Lines): Which segment has not hit the average profit across the three regions Central Asia, North Asia and Oceania?
2. Scenario (Reference Bands): In 2021, which months have the sales in each segment not stayed within the margin of $40,000 and $150,000?
3. Scenario (Distribution Bands): you are asked to determine which sub-categories have high sales (above the upper quartile) or low sales (below the lower quartile) in each segment.
4. Request (Box Plot): Compare the trend of sales in different regions.
5. Request (Trend Lines): Investigate the correlation between profit and sales using a linear trend line
6. Request (Forecasting): forecast sales for the next 12 months from the last date data is collected
7. Create a Dashboard - Refer to section 3 and subsections
Ingredients (create the below 4 Sheets)
* Profit Map - State & Profit with Date Filter
* Regional Profit (Highlighted Text Table) - Region, Sub-Category and Profit
* Weekly Category Profit (Line Chart) - Category, Week and Profit
* Customer Sales and Profit (Coloured Scatterplot) - Customer, Sales, and Profit
• Signup for your LinkedIn Account
• Make sure to have your picture as the profile photo
(ideally something that doesn't look too casual)
• Create a catchy Headline/Tagline
• Create an impactful Bio
• Complete your list of education
• Complete your list of experiences
• Complete the Skills & endorsements section
• Complete Accomplishment section (as applicable)
• Complete Volunteer Work section (as applicable)
• Submit a .txt (i.e., Weekl2.txt) file that contains your
Linkedln profile link.
What specific information will you use from the source
: What appeal will information from the source provide for your essay? (Ethos, Pathos, Logos). What specific information will you use from this source?
Discuss the role that specialization with coordination play
: Discuss the role that specialization with coordination and cooperation played in the BP disaster? Provide examples of organizational capabilities.
What additional documentation would needed for custom work
: What additional documentation would be needed for the custom work? Would you have any thoughts or concerns on this type of change in processing?
Develop a detailed lesson plan for one week
: Develop a detailed lesson plan for one week, designed for a preschool classroom that includes children with both learning and physical disabilities.
Create a horizontal bar chart to show the profits
: Create a horizontal bar chart to show the profits of each subcategory of each category. We want to show negative profits in red, and positive in blue
Identify a social group organization or industry
: CCJ 5605- Identify a social group (e.g., hacker subculture), organization (e.g., an association, company, or governmental agency), or industry.
Identify patterns and distill critical insights
: This involves critical thinking and analytical skills to sift through various sources, identify patterns, and distill critical insights.
How the concepts have helped you in your organization
: Explain how you applied these concepts and how they have helped you in your organization. Provide examples to support your statements.
How would you evaluate the concept of virtual representation
: How would you evaluate the concept of virtual representation? Why did the colonists disagree with this concept?