Create a full page poster - advertisement

Assignment Help Computer Graphics
Reference no: EM131973382



The entire booklet should be layed out in InDesign. Specific elements will be brought in from other applications and those will be detailed in the instructions.

Page 1: Cover
Page 2: Table of Contents (TOC)
Page 3: Write-up and Bio
Page 4-6: Article Layout
Page 7: Ads & Company Logo Design
Page 8: Back Cover Poster/Ad

When you've finished, you must package your files and include a PDF in spreads. All fonts and links must be included.

The cover will include pieces created in all 3 applications, and then placed into your InDesign file to create the cover. Items to be included:
- Magazine Logo: You may name your magazine anything you choose. A logo must be created in Illustrator and must be named MagazineLogo.eps so I can find it easily in your files. You may "place" the logo into InDesign OR pull it into your Photoshop file.
- Cover photo and background: You must create this part in Photoshop. Find a high res photo of a famous person to isolate, and place on a separate high res background photo or texture that you bring in. Save your file as Cover.psd so I can find it easily in your files.
- Cover lines: These can be done in your Cover.psd file OR in InDesign. Cover lines are in a Word Doc in the Dropbox link provided.
- Date: Please place the date "Spring 2018" somewhere.

You must include your magazine logo and date at the top, the text provided in the Word Doc in Dropbox, and a photo or two that relate to the articles. Do a Google image search for "magazine table of contents design" or something similar to get inspiration and layout ideas. Text is not required to be in columns for this.

You must do a write-up on your final project to be included on this page. It should be a minimum of 250 words on the rationale of your design choices throughout your entire project. You must also do a brief bio on yourself, minimum of 100 words. This should be quick and easy
- tell me your name, major, year, career goals and something fun and interesting about yourself. This page should include at least a photo of yourself and should also be designed in an aesthetically pleasing way. Do not just slap some text on the page - DESIGN IT so someone
would want to look at it and read it. You may use any additional images or graphics that you wish. Have some fun with this page.

Please use these pages to create an article layout. Text and choice of images are in the Dropbox link. Here are the article specs:
• Columns: 3, gutter .25"
• Font size for main body copy should be 9pt and the leading should be 11pt.
• Each paragraph must be indented .25" with exception of the first paragraph.
• A drop cap is required in the first paragraph.
• Any text wraps must have at least .125" of space around it.

There will also be two ads placed on page 7. One of them must be the PDF of the 1/2 page size of the ad you created last week. The new ad you must create will also be 7.5" W x 4.75" H using the text within the Dropbox link and your choice of high resolution images or vector graphics. You must also create a new logo in Illustrator for the company listed in the ad text and it must be used in the ad. (You may either create the graphic on your own, trace something, or use vectors found online as part of the logo.) It must be named CompanyLogo. eps and must be included in your Dropbox. Create the new ad in a separate InDesign file, make a PDF, then place the PDF into your final project file (do NOT place the InDesign file!). Put a 1pt black stroke around each ad.

Create a full page poster/advertisement for an upcoming event on this page. You may create it in any application or combination of applications you choose. The required text is in a Word Doc in the Dropbox link and you may pick your own high resolution photos from Google images.

InDesign file PDF
All Links, including: MagazineLogo.eps, Cover.psd, CompanyLogo.eps, your new ad PDF, and any images used in the TOC, bio, and article

Are your dimensions correct on all pages? (Width, Height, Margins, Columns, Gutter)
Is your PDF in spreads? (see BB if you don't know how to do this)
Do the headlines stand out on all pages, and done in a creative way?
Are all logos and images placed and resized without being distorted?


Are all the items I asked for included? (Logo, date, copy, images)
Is the text away from the edges?
How well is the image isolation done?
How well are the cover lines done?
Does the background image or texture enhance the look?
Are the images you chose high res?
How well is the magazine logo done?


Are your write-up and bio the required number of words?
Did you include at least a photo of yourself?
Is the layout/design done appropriately and creatively?


Are all the items I asked for included? (Logo, date, copy, images)
Is the layout/design done appropriately and creatively?

Did you put your text in columns?
Does the text flow from text box to text box, page to page continuously? Is the main body copy 9pt and the leading 11pt?
Is the text on all pages inside the margins?
Is there a .25" indentation on all but the first paragraph? Did you use a drop cap in the first paragraph?
Does the pull quote stand out?
On the text wrap for any images, or for the pull quote, is there enough space between the image and the copy? Is the layout/design done appropriately and creatively?


Are the dimensions correct?
Is all of the copy and the logo included?
How well is the logo done?
Are the images you chose high res?
Are the fonts appropriate and appropriately sized?
Does the headline stand out?
Do the headline and main body copy appear more important than the contact info?
Is the layout/design done appropriately and creatively?
Is there a 1pt black stroke around both ads?


Are the images you selected high res?
Is the text away from the edges?
Does the headline stand out from the main info? And does the main info appear more imortant than the smaller details?
Is the layout/design done appropriately and creatively?


Attachment:- connecting through the lens.rar

Reference no: EM131973382

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Create a full page poster - advertisement : ADPR-247 SPRING 2018: FINAL PROJECT - You must do a write-up on your final project to be included on this page. It should be a minimum of 250 words
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5/7/2018 3:25:54 AM

Per the syllabus, the final project is worth 30% of your final grade. Your final project will be an 8-page magazine/booklet. Requirements for each page are listed below. Page 2 has a checklist of items that need to be included. Anything missing, incomplete, or done incorrectly will affect your grade. Class will NOT be meeting for the final exam times. FINAL PROJECTS ARE DUE IN DROPBOX NO LATER THAN MONDAY, 7TH AT NOON. LATE PROJECTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY REASON AND EXTENSIONS WILL NOT BE GIVEN!!!

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