Create a form using a master detail relationship

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM13929803

A. Create a report for each of the following requirements. Reports may be created using the wizard or an SQL query. Reports

should follow the formatting guidelines given in the next step. Reports should be named as indicated below (e.g., Report1,

Report2, etc.).

Report1: Show Instructor information (Instructor_ID, First_Name, Last_Name) grouped by Approved Course_No.

Report2: Show student information (Student_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Status, Zip) grouped by Major.

Report3: Show student information (Student_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Major) grouped by Zip code. Zip codes should be in

increasing order.

Report4: Show student information (First_Name, Last_Name) grouped by Course Number and Course Name. Course Number

should be in in increasing order.

Report5: Show student information (Student_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Address, Zip) grouped by Status. Students should be

in alphabetical order by Last_Name and;then First_Name.

B. Report Format

Reports should display two or more child rows for each parent row. For example, Report1 should display each Course_No with

instructors who are approved to teach the course grouped under it. In this case, the parent row would be the Approved

Course_No with Instructor listed as child rows underneath each parent row

There should be at least two child rows of data for each parent row. Add data to the tables in order to have reports show at

least two child rows per parent.

Form1: Create a form based on an SQL query.

Create and run an SQL query that displays Student Information (Student_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Address, Zip).

Save the query in the database named Form1Query.

Create a form based on Form1Query. While Form1Query is selected, go to the Create menu and select Form to build the basic


Select the form and switch between the views (Forms, Layout, and Design) to change the properties or the form's appearance

as desired.

Save the form in the database named Form1Query.

Form2: Create a form using the Form Wizard.

Invoke the Form Wizard as shown in the tutorials above.

Using the Form Wizard, create a form showing instructor information (Instructor_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Office_No).

Switch between the views (Forms, Layout, and Design) to change the properties or the form's appearance as desired.

Save the form in the database named Form2Wizard.

Form3: Create a form using a master detail relationship. A master detail relationship is simply a 1:N relationship between two

tables. Use subforms to format the form in a split data entry form as shown in Figure 1-9. You may use SQL queries or the

wizard or both to create your form and subform.

Create a master form showing student information (Student_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Address, Zip, Major, Status).

Create a detail Subform showing Student_ID, Class_ID, and Student_Grade.

For each student displayed, the student's classes and grades should be displayed in the detail form.

Switch between the views (Forms, Layout, and Design) to change the properties or the form's appearance.

Attachment:- Lab4_JGreen.rar

Reference no: EM13929803

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