Create a form based on the reservations table

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13763081

1. Open the data file ContactsTable17.  Save the database as ContactsTable17Edited.

2. Open the Contacts table in Datasheet view and examine the data it contains.

3. Switch the table to Design view. Rename the ID field as ContactID, and then set this field as the table's primary key. Change the Field Size property to 3.

4. Use the Field Properties pane to set an appropriate caption as needed based on the data stored in each field.

5. Use the Field Size property for Text fields to set an appropriate field size, based on your examination of the data in the datasheet.

6. Set the Format property for the BirthDate field to Short Date.

7. Set the Default Value property for the State field to UT.

8. Save the table, and then switch the table to Datasheet view. Change the values in the appropriate columns for the record with Contact ID 201 to your first and last names. Change the value in the Title field if necessary. Resize each column in the datasheet so that all of the field values are displayed. Save and close the table.

9. Compact and repair the database.

10. In the Navigation Pane, select the Contacts table, and then copy it to the Clipboard.

11. Open the data file Contacts17. Save the database as ContactsList17.

12. In the ContactsList17 database, use the Paste button to paste the copy of the Contacts table. In the Paste Table As dialog box that opens, edit the table's name to Contacts and choose the option to paste the structure and data of the copied Contacts table.

13. Open the Contacts table in Design view, and then delete the Title field from the table. Save and close the table.

Creating a Database

1. Open the data file Reservations17 19. Create a form based on the Reservations table. Use the form to Own folder, and then copy the navigate to the record with Reservations table. Paste the Reservation ID 513, and then structure and data of the copied change the deposit amount to table into the ContactsList17 $1,700. Save the form as database using the table name ReservationsForm, and then close
Reservations. the form.

2. Use the Simple Query Wizard to 20. Create a report based on the create a query that includes all of Reservations table.
the fields in the Contacts table, 21. Delete the calculated field that adds except for the ContactID field. all of the deposit amounts, and then Save the query as ContactsList. delete the line that remains.

3. Sort the query results in descending 22. Save the report as ReservationsList, order by contact last name. (Hint: and then close the report.

Use the appropriate button in the
1. Compact and repair the database, Sort & Filter group on the Home and then close it. tab.)
2. If necessary, close the

4. Change the query results so that the

ContactsTable17Edited and
contact last name is the first
Reservations17 databases.
column in the datasheet.

5. Save and close the query.

Attachment:- data.rar

Reference no: EM13763081

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