Reference no: EM131297598
Part 1-Chapter 13: Complete Exercise 3 (Modify This) on page 302.
Complete Exercise 5 (Introductory) on page 302.
Part 2-Chapter 14: Complete Exercise 2 (Try This) on page 322.
Complete Exercise 11 (Intermediate) on pages 325-
Part 3: In Part 3 of this assignment, you will create pseudocode and a flowchart that contains the pretest and posttest looping statements. In a Microsoft Word document, complete the following:
1. Jane is standing an unknown number of steps away from a door. First, write the pseudocode that contains pretest (i.e., Algorithm 1) and posttest (i.e., Algorithm 2) algorithms that instruct Jane to walk from her current position to the door. Be sure to include the selection structure to Algorithm 2 to determine if Jane is standing in front of the door. Review pages 294-296 for help with this.
2. Desk-check the algorithms (see page 295 for examples on how to conduct the desk-check).
3. Create a flowchart containing the diamond which represents the pretest loop's condition in Algorithm 1 (use the Insert -> Shape -> Flowchart tools in Microsoft Word to create the flowchart).
4. Create a flowchart containing the diamond which represents the posttest loop's condition in Algorithm 2 (use the Insert -> Shape -> Flowchart tools in Microsoft Word to create the flowchart). Part 4: In Part 4 of this assignment, you will create an application that plays a sound while the application is running. In Visual Basic, complete the following:
1. Complete the exercise on page 312 of your textbook (#1-4). You will need the Spaceship Solution (Spaceship Solution.sln) file and an audio (.wav) file. Please be sure the audio file is professional and safe for work. Use any audio file you like-use your own or select one from
Save each Visual Basic file and the Microsoft Word document before submitting them in Blackboard for grading. Click here for a brief tutorial on submitting more than one file for one assignment. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment.
3. In this exercise, you modify the Bouncing Robot application coded in the chapter. Use Windows to make a copy of the Robot Solution folder. Save the copy in the ClearlyVB2012\Chap13 folder. Rename the copy Modified Robot Solution. Open de Robot Solution (Robot Solution.sln) file contained in the Modified Robot Solution folder. Open the designer and Code Editor windows. Currently, the pretest loop th*e btnPretest_Click procedure starts counting at 0 and stops when it reaches the main of bounces entered by the user. Modify the code so that it starts counting with de number of bounces entered by the user and stops when it reaches 0. Save the sakes and then start the application. Test the Pretest Loop button's code. Close the Cafe Editor window and then close the solution.
4. Open the Average Score Solution (Average Score Solution.sln) file contained in ClearlyVB2012\Chap131Average Score Solution folder. The Calculate button's event procedure should use a posttest loop to allow the user to enter five test then should both calculate and display the average test score. If the average test greater than 80, the procedure should use a posttest loop to blink the IblAverage six times. Code the procedure. Save the solution and then start and test the appL Close the Code Editor window and then close the solution.
5. Open the Temperature Solution (Temperature Solution.sln) file contained in the ClearlyVB2012\Chap131Temperature Solution folder. The Calculate button's Qat event procedure should use a posttest loop to allow the user to enter zero or mate temperatures. It then should display the number of temperatures entered and the average temperature. Include one decimal place in the average temperature. Code procedure. Save the solution and then start and test the application. Close the Cale Editor window and then close the solution.
6. Effective January 1st of each year, Gabriela receives a 5% raise on her previous salary. She wants a program that both calculates and displays the amount of her the next 3 years. Display the raise amounts in message boxes. Display her total for the 3 years in a label control.
a. List the output, processing (if any), and input items, and then create an appropde algorithm using a flowchart and a posttest loop.
b. Create a Visual Basic Windows application. Use the following names for the seater; and project, respectively: Raise Solution and Raise Project. Save the applicatior _ the ClearlyVB20121Chap13 folder. Change the name of the form file on your -as frmMain.vb. If necessary, change the form's name to frmMain.
c. Create a suitable interface. Include a text box for entering the initial salary a.- Also include an Exit button. Code the Exit button's Click event procedure a-problem's algorithm.
d. Save the solution and then start and test the application. (Hint: For an annual of 10000, the raise amounts are $500.00, $525.00, and $551.25. The total sai-$33,101.25.) Close the Code Editor window and then close the solution.
7. Open the Sum Even Solution (Sum Even Solution.sln) file contained in the ClearlyVB20121Chap131Sum Even Solution folder. The interface provides text the user to enter two numbers, which should be integers. Code the application a L..: text box accepts only numbers and the Backspace key. The Display button's Cliff-procedure should display the sum of the even numbers between the two integ: -- entered by the user: If the user's entry is even, it should be included in the sur-For example, if the user enters the integers 2 and 7, the procedure should dis;- a 12 (2 + 4 + 6). If the user enters the integers 2 and 8, the procedure should d.s: 20 (2 + 4 + 6 8). Code the Display button's Click event procedure using a -- loop. Save the solution and then start and test the application. Close the Code E L window and then close the solution.
9. Which of the following will display 58.00, 58.50 89 CO, and 59.50 in message boxes? a. For decDoll ars As Decimal 8 To 9.5 Step 0.05 MessageBox .Shos(decDollars .ToStri ng("C2")) Next decDol 1 a r s b. For dblDollars As Double 8 To 9.5 Step 0.5 NessageBox Show(dblOol 1 ars .ToSt ng("C2")) Next dblOoll ars c. For stroollars As String "58.00" To "S9.50" Step "0.5" Me ssage8ox .Show(st rDol tars) Next strDollars
d. both b and c
10. A For...Next statement contains the following For clause For intX As Integer = 5 To -1 Step -2. What value will cause the For...Next loop to stop? a. -1 c. -3 b. -2 d. none of the above
Exercises ? 1. List the processing steps (or the following code. Use Figure 14-3 as a guide. (See Appendix B for the answer.) For decX As Decimal - 6.5 To 8.5 Messagellox Shon(decX.ToSt ri ng("Nl")) Next decX
2. Open the OddEven Solution (OddEven Solution.sln) file contained in the ClearlyVB20121Chap1410ddEven Solution folder. The interface provides text boxes for the user to enter two integers. The application should display all of the odd numbers from the first integer through the second integer; it should also display all of the even numbers in that range. (See Appendix B for the answer.) a. Code the application using the For...Next statement. If the integer in the txtNuni control is greater than the integer in the txtNum2 control, the stepValue should be negative number othervcise, it should be a positive number 1. b. Save the solution and then start the application. Test the application using the integers 6 and 25. The application should display the following odd numbers: 7 11, 13, IS, 17, 19, 21, 23. and 25. It also should display the following even numbs 6, 8. 10, 12, 14, 16. 18, 20. 22, and 24. c. Now test the application using the integers 25 and 6. The application should dis the following odd numbers: 25, 23, 21. 19, I7, IS. 13. 11, 9, and 7. It also should display the following even numbers: 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12.10, 8, and 6. Close Code Editor window and then close the solution.
• 3. Open the Cheerleader Solution (Cheerleader Solution.sln) file contained in the ClearlyVB20121Chapl4lCheerleader Solution folder. Change the Do...Loop state in the btnClickHere_Click procedure to a For...Next statement. Save the solution and then start and test the application. Close the Code Editor window and then the solution.
biennium 2 Squares: The square of 2 is 4. mourner= 6 The square of 3 is The Square of 4 is 14 The Ware 04 Si, 25. I The square of 6 is 36.
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Figure 1417 Interlace for
Exercise In this exercise, you display the number of calories burned after running or walking for INTERmEtim: 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes. While running, you burn 5 calories per minute. While walking. you burn 2.5 calories per minute. A sample run of the application is shown in Figure 1448.
a. Create a Visual Basic Windows application. Use the following names for the solution and project. respectively: Calories Solution and Calories Project. Save the application in the ClearlyVB20121Chap14 folder. Change the name of the form file on your disk to frmMain.vb. If necessary, change the form's name to frmMain.
b. Use Figure 14-18 as a guide when creating the Interface. Set both text box controls' MultiLine and ReadOnly properties to True. (You will learn more about these properties in Chapter 15.)
c. Code the Calculate button's Click event procedure. Save the solution and then start and test the application. Close the Code Editor window and then close the solution. Wane" nano!):
In this exercise. you learn haw to use the Financial.Pmt method to calculate a periodic elielEOUCIE payment on an investment (rather than on a loan).
a. Open the Investment Solution (Investment Solution.s1n) file contained in the ClearlyVB2012IChap141Investment Solution folder. The application should calculate the amount you need to save each month to accumulate 910.000 at the end of 20 years. assuming a 3% annual interest rate. You can calculate this amount using the syntax Financial.Pmt(Rate, NPer, PV, F1'). The Rate argument is the Interest rate per period, and the NPer argument is the total number of payment periods. The PI, argument is the present value of the investment, which is 0 (zero). The Fit argument is the future value of the investment. The future value is the amount you want to accumulate.
Attachment:- exer.rar