Reference no: EM132257927
Assignment: The Elevator Pitch
In the previous assignments, you worked on your written communication to your target audience(s) with your resume, your cover letter, and your LinkedIn profile. Now we'll move onto verbal communication with the elevator pitch.
Before you start this assignment, be sure to read and watch the assigned materials. In particular,read the article "12 Steps to a Perfectly Prepared Elevator Pitch". A significant part of your grade will be based on how well your elevator pitch follows the guidelines found in that article.
Complete the assignment by doing the following:
1. Read/Watch the assigned materials, particularly "12 Steps to a Perfectly Prepared Elevator Pitch"
2. Write a script to introduce yourself to a business-related potential contact that you have not already met so that you can do one of the following:
1. set up an interview for a job;
2. invite the person for a business lunch or coffee;
3. get an email address so that you can connect on LinkedIn;
4. acquire permission to set up a sales presentation;
5. gain agreement to accept a trial product or service;
6. or some other purpose from a business perspective.
7. Seek feedback from friends, family, colleagues, etc. on your script and refine it accordingly.
8. Practice presenting your script. Practice in front of a mirror. Practice in front of another person. Practice by filming yourself and reviewing the videos for improvement.
9. Create a final video of your elevator speech up to 40 seconds. For this video, you CANNOT read your script and you MUST complete the entire video in one take. This means that you cannot film the video in portions and then edit them together.Remember, for an elevator speech "in real life," you can't do it in segments and thenstitch them together later.
10. Post the video on YouTube and make sure the settings are set to "unlisted" (not "public" or "private") so that it can ONLY be accessed with the URL you provide. (If you would like other people to be able to find your video via the YouTube search function, you are welcome to list it with the "public" setting, but this is NOT a requirement.)
11. Provide the following information using the Assignment upload in Canvas:
a. Your name.