Create a fictional character that would fit that disorder

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131890561

Choose (1) disorder, among the following major mental disorders: anxiety disorders, mood disorders, disorders involving Gender and sexuality, or schizophrenia spectrum disorders and create a fictional character that would fit that disorder.

Describe why you believe this character suffers from this disorder and discuss what you would recommend as treatment from the perspective of a mental health professional.

To answer this essay correctly, you need to have a good understanding of the disorder that you pick along with its accompanying symptoms, ethology, and recommended treatments.

Your essay should be 450-500 words double-spaced APA style formatting, style, and citations. Please do not exceed 500 words.

Please provide a word count at the end of your essay. no More than 500 words

Verified Expert

This assignment deals with the symptoms and treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. Anxiety is not merely stress or nervousness. Anxiety is an instinctive uneasiness due to any event, person, sound and surroundings. This assignment also contains a creation of a fictional character suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. This assignment is prepared using Microsoft Office Word.

Reference no: EM131890561

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