Create a few queries that allow you to practice concepts

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13784065

a. View the design of the database in the Database Tools-Relationships window. Describe some queries that would be useful to Northwind Traders as it strives to increase sales, profits, or reduce expenses. Be specific, listing the tables, columns, and data that you would extract from the Northwind Database. Also, indicate why such queries are useful from a business standpoint.

b. In Microsoft Access, create some original queries, posting a screenshot of your query design and query results in an MS Word document

c. Create a few queries that allow you to practice concepts from the Lab. Please, don't simply post queries from this week's lab assignment! Post a screenshot of the query design and the results set in a Word document. Also, describe how this query could help managers make a business decision.

d. Relying on the textbook, the lecture, or Internet research, describe query generation techniques that you haven't yet applied in this week's lab. Describe what the querying technique is and how it is useful. For example, you might research the concept of a parameter query, describe what it is, and then create such a query in the Northwind database. Post a screenshot of the query design and the query results as an MS Word document to this thread for discussion.

e. Assist your classmates in modifying their queries if they run into difficulties.

Reference no: EM13784065

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