Create a dynamic array of int that can store 20 numbers

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132081445

You need the programs to be in C code, if possible can you provide a screen shot of the solution running please.

Lab 11.1 Create a dynamic array of int that can store 20 numbers. Do the following:

Input 20 numbers to the array

Find the average of the array

Find and output the largest element and its index

Output the address of the array.

Re-allocate the array to the size of 40

Store 20 random numbers between 1 and 100 to the newly allocated 20 cells

Find and output the largest element and its index.

Output the address of the array.

Lab 11.2 Write a program using XOR with secret character of ‘&' to decipher the following encryption:


Reference no: EM132081445

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