Create a dictionary based on the lower ascii characters

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131565583

Using the Dictionary concepts from 1ab6, create a Dictionary based on the lower ASCII characters 32 (Blank) through 128 (Euro). This will create a binary tree with 96 nodes. Using these techniques, create an encryption key for each character:

- Starting at the root of the tree, search for the character.
- As the search descends the tree:
- If the character goes down the left side of the tree, encrypt a '0'
- If the character goes down the right side of the tree, encrypt a "1-
- when the character is found, include a consistent termination symbol in the encryption from the lower ASCII character set (

Encoding: with your Dictionary of encryption keys for each character, read the Speech.txt file from Labs, encode each character and write the encrypted character to a file including the termination symbol.

Decoding: Read the encrypted file one character at a time until the termination symbol is encountered. Take the preceding collection of O's and l's key and look them up in the dictionary to find the character associated with the key.

utilizes Huffman Encoding algorithm.

Reference no: EM131565583

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