Reference no: EM133784509
Answer the following questions in brief.
Summarize Wireless Network.
Summarize network audit.
Summaries penetration Testing and different types of penetration testing techniques.
What are Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS).
What is the role of penetration testing during network audits?
Summarize bandwidth and quality of service.
Outline Factors that affect the network signals.
Explain the wireless antenna and different types of wireless antenna in a computer network.
Explain different types of wireless Antennas.
Outline Layer 2 and Layer 3 design issues that must be considered while designing a wireless network.
Explain the significance of radiofrequency in designing the wireless network
Outline the problems associated with physical topography and obstacles in the radio transmission path.
Explain wireless topologies and the difference between WLAN and WMAN networks.
Explain Access Points.
Outline Small Office Home Office (SOHO) networks and Enterprise Local Area Network (LANs).
Outline Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
Explain at least three security threats to wireless networks and outline three security strategies that can be implemented to encounter these threats.
Explain network protocols and operating systems.
Explain network security protocols and standards and provide at least three examples of each.
Explain three (3) techniques you can follow to discuss a disagreement with a client? Answer in 200-300 words.
List at least three legislations and standards that need to be considered while designing the computer network.
Outline WHS standards that need to be followed while working with Wireless Networks.
YUSA College Wireless Expansion
YUSA College is a reputed RTO based in Brisbane. The college operates on all major cities in Australia such as Brisbane (Head Office), Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. The head office was
Problem Scenario
The third floor on the Brisbane campus was recently restructured due to the business expansion. However, the restructuring has created coverage issues which needs to be addressed.
The 3rd floor of the building consists of 5 Classrooms separated by plaster walls and glass doors with a single Access Point providing wireless connectivity. The Wi-Fi strength in the two rooms located at the centre of the building receives an excellent Signal. In contrast, the rest do not receive sufficient signal strength resulting in constant signal dropout. The issue has been more noticeable during the online class session. Therefore, the new WLAN design is required on the 3rd floor.
Brisbane Campus Existing Infrastructure
The building is spread over two floors in 24 story building
The network consists of a Microsoft-based solution using an active directory as a shared authentication and authorization mechanism.
Basic LAN comprises two computer labs with 35 computers each, 25 computers used by the staff, and ten general-purpose computers for students.
5 24-port cisco catalyst switches for connecting the computers through Cat 6 Cables
1 Access Points at the centre of the floor.
A router providing the internet connection.
Windows Server 2019 R2 used for server roles, including Domain Services and virtualization servers.
Exchange server 2019 for email administration, Office 365 for file sharing
Telephony is supplied by Aussie Broadband solutions running on a virtual server hosted from Microsoft Azure. This connects to an upstream VOIP provider via SIP trunks".
Apache Web Server Running on to Ubuntu for hosting college web server.
Xero Accounting Software. Subscription-Based Component.
Moodle (Learning Management System) for managing students' assignments. Hosted on AWS
Microsoft One Drive for storing data and information.
You are employed by YUSA Tech Services and have been appointed as a Lead Network Engineer/Project Manager to undertake this project to design a wireless network for Yusa College.
Activity 1: Confirm Client requirement
You need to read and understand the above given scenario prior to attempting this activity.
In this activity, you need to conduct a meeting with the client to understand the RTO's existing network infrastructure, understand client needs and discuss the WLAN design requirements you need to provide.
Instruction: Conduct a role play with the group in the classroom to discuss following:
Details on the existing networking environment, including hardware, software, and service components.
Details on the proposed network requirements.
Budget Allocation and Time Duration.
You need to complete the following meeting minutes and submit them to your trainer/assessor.
Activity 2: Conduct a site Survey
This activity is a continuation from the previous activity.
Before designing WLAN, you must conduct a site survey of the physical location and surrounding where the network is implemented. Both inside and outside of the building and floor should be surveyed to collect the wireless network requirements. To collect the information, you should:
Visual inspection of Facility/Physical infrastructure such as Number of Rooms, Size of rooms, type of wall, etc., to find any potential attenuation barriers that may affect the propagation of RF signals.
Assess existing network infrastructure to determine:
the capacity of existing wired networks to determine how much of the existing network can contribute to wireless networks.
LAN upgrade requirements
Network cabling. Types and number of network equipment used.
Identify required coverage areas.
Assess optimal location and position of access points, repeaters, routers, and other equipment
Verify access points location.
Other site-specific Issues.
You are also required to:
Select diagnostic instruments and measurements techniques for site survey.
Demonstrate that you can calibrate the test equipment
Explain your assessor how the site survey will be executed ensuring safe working environment and minimum disruption client operations
For this activity, provide your survey plan.
Activity 3: Create WLAN Design
Once the client requirements have been determined, the site survey has been completed. You can now create a design for WLAN and submit the Design report to the client. You should make at least two design options for the wireless network. Your design document should include the following:
Activity 4: Test Design
Once the design has been completed, you must test the developed method and revise it if required. Your test should cover the following as a minimum.
• Coverage
• Security
• Performance
Activity 5: Present Design
You are now required to present your design to the client. Ensure you include all aspects of your design during your presentation to the client. Your presentation should also outline the design limitations, performance expectations, unanticipated outcomes, and security threats and seek feedback from the client.
During the presentation, you are required to demonstrate practical communication skills, including:
• Speaking clearly and concisely
• Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
• Asking questions to identify required information
• Responding to questions as required
• Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding
Activity 6: Finalize the design
Once the feedback from the client is received, make necessary changes to the design, and submit the final design to the client via email. Your email should summarize the attachment content and feedback that has been addressed.