Create a description of a learning activity

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Reference no: EM132364331

Assignment: 1. Select an audience of learners (nursing students, nursing staff, or patients) that you are interested in teaching.

2. Reflect on the diverse learning needs of this specific audience and select one to further investigate for your Discussion*.

3. Review the article, Writing Learning Objectives that Help You Teach and Students Learn (Part 1), and the links to the Lesson Plan Tutorials, which are located in this week's Learning Resources. Reflect on the examples and non-examples of action verbs. Then, consider the action verbs that you might select to address the identified learning need.

4. Review the Crafting Learning Objectives document, which is located in this week's Learning Resources. Then, craft at least two learning objectives-relevant to the learning need that you identified, which follow the format required of the Nursing Education specialization.

5. Consider learning activities that might align to these learning objectives. For example, if the learning objective is to demonstrate the ability to accurately take a patient's blood pressure, the activity should involve students practicing the process of blood pressure readings; if the learning objective is to compare learning theories, the activity may include a small group discussion.

6. Consider how each activity could be used to meaningfully assess student, staff, or patient learning.

7. Keeping the audience and learning need in mind, create a description of a learning activity that aligns to the objectives.

Select an audience and learning need about which you are genuinely interested. You will keep this focus (audience, learning need, learning objectives) and expand on it over the next three Discussions.

Post the audience and learning need that you have selected. Describe the learning activity that you might use to address this need and identify at least two appropriate learning objectives. Explain how each objective aligns to the learning activity, as well as how each objective can be used to meaningfully assess student, staff, or patient learning. Justify your response with references to this week's Learning Resources and current literature.

Reference no: EM132364331

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