Create a default and parameterized constructor

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131290757

Lab-Processing Arrays of Objects


• Create a GUI that uses JList andJTabbedPanes.
• Process multiple objects in an ArrayList.
• Code event handlers for multiple events.

PROBLEM: Stocks4U Portfolio Management System

Stocks4U needs to develop an app for you to manage your stock purchases.You should be able to store a list of stock purchases, view the individual stocks, add and remove stocks.


You can code the GUI by hand or use NetBeans GUI builder interface.

The GUI should have two tabs usingJTabbedPane.

• One tab ("Show stocks") should have

o a JList to display all the stock purchases;
o a text field or label to display information about a particular stock; and
o aJButton to remove a stock.

• One tab ("Add stock") should have textboxes, labels, and a button to input a stock.

Create a Stock class to manage the stock activity. It should have private instance variables of

• company name;
• number of shares;
• purchase price; and
• current price.

Create a default and parameterized constructor.
Create sets/gets for all instance variables.
Create a get method to calculate and return the profit or loss. This would be calculated as
Number of shares * (current price - purchase price).
Create toString to display the name of the stock.

As you add stocks, they are displayed in the JList.
If you select an element in the JList, the gain or loss is displayed in the label or text field.
If you select an element in the JList and click Remove, the stock is removed from the list.

Reference no: EM131290757

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