Create a customer object and make sure it has values for all

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132077778

Answer the following question :

1) Define according to the following class diagram and information.


-customerID: int

- firstName: String

-lastName: String

+ Customer()

+ Customer(int, String, String)

+ getCustomerID(): int

+ setCustomerID(int)

+ getFirstName(): String

+ setFirstName(String)

+ getLastName(): String

+ setLastName(String)

+ toString(): String

• the first constructor doesn't have any parameter and sets each of three instance variables to 0, null, and null, respectively;

• the second constructor uses three passed-in parameters to update values of the instance variables. • toString() method return a String value for all instance variables of a Customer object. A sample return value of toString() for a Customer object is as follows. Customer ID: 4838156\nName: John Smith

2) Define according to the following class diagram and information.



-accountNo: int

- customer: Customer

- balance: double


+ Account(int, Customer, double)

+ getAccountNo(): int

+ setAccountNo(int)

+ getCustomer(): Customer

+ setCustomer(Customer)

+ getBalance(): double

+ setBalance(double)

+ deposit(double)

+ withdraw(double): boolean

+ toString(): String

• the constructor uses three parameters to update values for accountNo, customer, and balance.

• deposit(double) uses value from the input parameter to update the existing balance (by adding the parameter's amount to the existing balance).

• withdraw(double) reduces the current balance by the value of the input parameter. Return true if the current balance is not less than the parameter's value and then reduces the existing balance accordingly; otherwise, return false and do not update the existing balance.

• toString() returns a String for all instance variable values of an Account object. A sample return value of toString() for an Order object is as follows.

Customer ID: 4838156\nName: John Smith\nAccount Number: 5820389\nBalance: $5,280.05

3) Define according to following requirements to interact with the Customer and Account classes.

• create a Customer object and make sure it has values for all its instance variables. Tip: you don't need to use Scanner to collect input from keyboard. For simplicity, you can use hard-code values for parameters.

• call toString() method of Customer class and use system.out.println() to print out the returned value.

• create an Account object and make sure it has values for all its instance variables. Similarly, you can use hard-code parameter values.

• call deposit and withdraw methods of the Account object. Similarly, you can use hard-code parameter values as deposit and withdrawal amounts.

• call toString() method of Account class and use system.out.println() to print out the returned value.

4) In the following class diagram, Account was defined in the above step 2). Now define in which (8 points)

• the constructor uses four passed-in parameters to update values of all instance variables.

• toString() returns a String for all instance variable values of an SavingAccount object. A sample return value of toString() for an SavingAccount object is as follows. The interest rate has three decimal places. Customer ID: 4838156\nName: John Smith\nAccount Number: 5820389\nBalance: $5,280.05\Interest Rate: 2.750% Account

- accountNo: int

- customer: Customer

- balance: double

+ Account(int, Customer, double)

+ getAccountNo(): int + setAccountNo(int)

+ getCustomer(): Customer

+ setCustomer(Customer)

+ getBalance(): double

+ setBalance(double)

+ deposit(double)

+ withdraw(double): boolean

+ toString(): String


- interestRate: double

+ SavingAccount (int, Customer, double, double)

+ getInterestRate(): double

+ setInterestRate(double)

+ toString(): String

Reference no: EM132077778

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