Create a crow foot notation erd to support lost operations

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Reference no: EM131685248

Question: Luxury-Oriented Scenic Tours (LOST) provides guided tours to groups of visitors to the Washington D.C. area. In recent years, LOST has grown quickly and is having difficulty keeping up with all of the various information needs of the company. The company's operations are as follows:

• LOST offers many different tours. For each tour, the tour name, approximate length (in hours), and fee charged is needed. Guides are identified by an employee ID, but the system should also record a guide's name, home address, and date of hire. Guides take a test to be qualified to lead specific tours. It is important to know which guides are qualified to lead which tours and the date that they completed the qualification test for each tour. A guide may be qualified to lead many different tours. A tour can have many different qualified guides. New guides may or may not be qualified to lead any tours, just as a new tour may or may not have any qualified guides.

• Every tour must be designed to visit at least three locations. For each location, a name, type, and official description are kept. Some locations (such as the White House) are visited by more than one tour, while others (such as Arlington Cemetery) are visited by a single tour. All locations are visited by at least one tour. The order in which the tour visits each location should be tracked as well.

• When a tour is actually given, that is referred to as an "outing." LOST schedules outings well in advance so they can be advertised and so employees can understand their upcoming work schedules. A tour can have many scheduled outings, although newly designed tours may not have any outings scheduled. Each outing is for a single tour and is scheduled for a particular date and time. All outings must be associated with a tour. All tours at LOST are guided tours, so a guide must be assigned to each outing. Each outing has one and only one guide. Guides are occasionally asked to lead an outing of a tour even if they are not officially qualified to lead that tour. Newly hired guides may not have ever been scheduled to lead any outings. Tourists, called "clients" by LOST, pay to join a scheduled outing. For each client, the name and telephone number are recorded. Clients may sign up to join many different outings, and each outing can have many clients. Information is kept only on clients who have signed up for at least one outing, although newly scheduled outings may not have any clients signed up yet.

a. Create a Crow's Foot notation ERD to support LOST operations.

b. The operations provided state that it is possible for a guide to lead an outing of a tour even if the guide is not officially qualified to lead outings of that tour. Imagine that the business rules instead specified that a guide is never, under any circumstance, allowed to lead an outing unless he or she is qualified to lead outings of that tour. How could the data model in Part a. be modified to enforce this new constraint?

Reference no: EM131685248

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