Create a crosstab query

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Reference no: EM13108214

Q1: List the attendees who all work for the Adventure Team and either attended a convention in United Kingdom or attended any convention before Sep 2, 2013. List four columns: convention name, date of convention, last name, and first name, and sort the list on convention name, date of convention, and last name in that order.

Q2: For conventions that are held in United States, prepare a datasheet view containing the following columns: Convention name, total number of enrollments in that convention, earliest date of enrollment for that convention, and latest date of enrollment for that convention. Sort your results datasheet on convention name.

Q3: Create a crosstab query to show how many enrollments took place in various conventions from different companies. Also show the total number of enrollments in each convention.

Q4: Some people from Adair Museum of Science did not attend the convention on Teens and the Internet. List their last and first names and sort your results on last name.

Q5: Who are the fellow attendees of the person(s) whose last name starts with letter Y and who attended the convention called Healthcare of the Future Institute? Show your results in a datasheet listing last name and first name of the fellow attendees.

Download:- conventions-2010-format.rar

Reference no: EM13108214

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