Reference no: EM131667257
Prepare a brochure on tropical rainforest biome
Purpose: You are a travel agent selling vacation packages to tourists around the world. Create a creative brochure OR PREZI promoting a Biome (Tundra, Taiga, Chaparral, Rainforest, Temperate Deciduous Forest, Temperate Grassland, Desert, Tropical Rainforest, Savanna, Desert, Freshwater Ecosystems, Marine Ecosystem/Coral Reefs) using the information you gained through your Internet research worksheet. You may also use additional information from the Internet as long as it is approved by the teacher and cited as a source material. The brochure may be humorous or serious, but all the data should be accurate!
1. Choose a specific location you would like to promote as a unique and pleasurable travel experience. Identify its biome and describe traits of the biome in your travel brochure. Use as much information as possible, including: climate, location (continent and latitude), major land or water features, and types of plants and animals living there.
2. Create a two or three-fold brochure/Prezi Presentation in either Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher to list your information and include graphics, artwork, photos or images.
a. Create a new document and choose the File drop down menu. Click on Page Setup and choose the Landscape option.
b. If you already know how to use Publisher, choose a "bi-fold" or "tri-fold" brochure. If not, stick with MS Word and go to the Format drop down menu at the top and choose Columns. Then click on "Two" or "Three" and OK. Make sure all the columns are the same width. You will fold the brochure between the columns. You will have to make two pages, one for the back side and one for the front side. You may paste these sides together or print them on a 2 sided sheet.
c. Include at least three photos, drawings or other types of artwork that help describe and promote your biome vacation spot.
d. Include interesting or unusual facts that tourists may not know about.
e. One column or fold of the brochure (which must be visible on the front when folded) must include the Title and a Slogan for your biome vacation. This is also a good location for a photo or graphic.
f. Another column or fold of the brochure (which must be visible on the back when folded) must include your name, class period, and all sources of information including website addresses, text books, etc.
g. The remaining columns/folds of the brochure should be informational and convince potential tourists to spend money on your trip!
h. No columns/folds should be left blank!
3. Information in your brochure may include:
* Geographic location
* Weather & climate
* Flora (plants) and Fauna (animals)
* Predator/prey relationships
* Ecological issues or concerns
* Human impacts
* Diseases
* Types of foods
* Landforms, bodies of water
(or lack of), etc.
Internet Research Worksheet
1. What is your biome?
2. What are the traits of your Biome?
3. What is the climate of your biome?
4. What is the location of your Biome(continent, latitude and longitude)?
5. What are the major land features of your biome?
6. What are the major water features of your Biome?
7. What types of plants live in your biome? Give their common names and using binomial nomenclature their scientific name/Genus species name.
8. What kinds of animals live in your Biome? Give their common names and using binomial nomenclature their scientific name/Genus species name.
9. Describe a herbivore-plant relationship in your Biome.
10. Are there specific predator/prey relationships in your biome?
11. Describe a symbiosis in your Biome.
12. Describe an organism and its niche in your Biome.
13. Draw a food web for an organism found in your Biome.
14. Name a producer and a consumer native to your Biome.
15. What are the ecological issues and concerns in your Biome?
16. What are the human impacts in your Biome?
17. What diseases are found in your Biome?
18. What types of food are in your Biome?
19. What types of landforms/geological formations are in your Biome?
20. What is the culture like in your biome?