Create a cpp program to manage the list of enrolled students

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM131667276

Assignment: Programming and Data Structures


In this homework, you will create a C++ program to manage the list of enrolled students in a university. The data of each student will be stored as nodes of an ordered linked list. You should be able to add and delete students from the list, and perform other operation on the stored data.

Student information include:

• ID number (integer of 5 digits)
• First name
• Last name
• Major
• GPA (double, between 0 and 4)
• Current Credit Enrolled (integer, between 0 and 15)

Input and Output

The input is a single text file. Each file is divided in blocks that call different operations on the linked list, followed by the necessary arguments. The name used to declare the instruction to execute will be all in upper cases. Each new argument is in a new line of the file. Your program should go through the file and execute all the listed operations, and terminate when the end of file is reached.

It is fair to assume that all calls will be in upper case letters and will always be separated by an empty line, even when the number of arguments is incorrect for the function call. The file terminates with new line and EOF.

Example 1 of input

INSERT 03948
Tom Brady Physics 3.40

INSERT 03491
Joe Flacco

Joe Flacco

The output of each function call should be appended to an output file (name specified in the command line).

Example 1 of output
Tom Brady, 03948
Joe Flacco, 03491

Joe Flacco, 03491 Major: Chemistry GPA: 3.91
Credits enrolled: 12

Complete list of instruction calls for ordered linked list






Insert a new student in the linked list ORDERED BY LAST NAME.Duplicates should be rejected (by ID or first + last name)

ID_number First Name Last Name Major GPA Current Credits



Print first name, last name and ID of all



<FirstN> <LastN>, <ID>



Print first name, last name and ID of all

students in a major


<FirstN> <LastN>, <ID>



Print first name, last name and ID of all students with GPA greater or equal to



<FirstN> <LastN>, <ID>



Print student all data of

First Name Last Name

<FirstN> <LastN>, <ID> Major: <Major>


Credits Enrolled: <CurrentCE>


Delete student from

list based on first and last name

First Name Last Name



Delete student from list     based on ID number

ID number



Set GPA of student to new value

First Name

Last Name GPA



Change student major to new value

First Name

Last Name Major



Add class for student (reflects    on    credits


First Name Last Name




Remove      class                 for student                 (reflects    on

credits enrolled)

First Name Last Name




Compute average GPA across students


GPA mean: <average_GPA>

The main C++ program will become the executable to be tested by the TAs. The result should be written on another text file (output file), provided on the command line. The input and output files are specified in the command line, not inside the C++ code.

The general call to the executable (sum_rowcol, in this example) is as follows:

uni_roster "A=<file>;C=<file>"

Call example with one input file and another output file.
uni_roster "A=a.txt;C=c.out"


• Your ordered linked list must inherit from the linkedListType ADT presented in class and available in the book (pg. 278-292).

• It is NOT allowed to use vector classes or other classes provided in the STL.

• Your C++ code must be clear, indented and commented.

• Each function call should check for input correctness. If the input is of invalid format, do not perform the operation and print an error on screen. Examples of input correctness include right number and type of arguments, or checking for argument boundaries (for GPA, credits and ID).

• GPA must be printed with 2 decimal points.

• Your program will be tested with GNU C++. Therefore, you are encouraged to work on Unix, or at least make sure that your code compiles and runs successfully on the server.

• You can use other C++ compilers, but the TAs cannot provide support or test your programs with other compilers.

• The output file must contain the result in the format specified in the table. A single empty line should separate each output segment.

Reference no: EM131667276

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