Create a contents page for a project plan

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132694359

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work- Australian Health and Management institute

Activity 1A

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to access project scope and other relevant documentation.
1. Give four examples of relevant documentation you could use in defining the parameters of a project.

2. Referring to your current organisation, or an organisation you have previously worked for, identify where you would access project scope or other relevant documentation.

Activity 1B

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to define project stakeholders.
What is a stakeholder? You may define a stakeholder related to your organisation or an organisation you have previously worked for.

Present your answer in no more than 50 words.

Activity 1C
To provide you with an opportunity to seek clarification from delegating authority of issues related to project and project parameters.
Reflect on a project you have previously been involved in.

Identify one delegating authority within this project that had decision-making capabilities and give an example of an issue they made a decision on.

Note: if you have no experience to recollect, you may answer this question hypothetically.

Activity 1D
To provide you with an opportunity to identify limits of own responsibility and reporting requirements.
Referring to your current role or a previous one, list three of your responsibilities and give one example of a limit to your responsibilities.

Activity 1E
To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to clarify relationship of project to other projects and to the organisation's objectives.
1. How can you clarify the relationship of your project to other projects? Explain in no more than 50 words.

2. Drawing on past experience, how do you clarify the relationship of your project to the organisation's objectives? Explain in no more than 50 words.

Activity 1F
To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to determine and access available resources to undertake project.
Briefly describe a project you have undertaken, or give an example of a possible project and describe a resource that would help you in this project. Also, state how you could access this resource.

Activity 2A
To provide you with an opportunity to outline a project plan in line with the project parameters.
Create a contents page for a project plan in line with project parameters - include all the main headings you will need to cover.

Activity 2B

To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate how to identify and access appropriate project management tools.
Demonstrate how you can access an appropriate project management tool. This activity can take place in a workplace environment or simulated setting. It will need to be observed by the trainer/assessor or third party.

Activity 2C

To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to formulate risk management plan for project, including Work Health and Safety (WHS).
1. What would a risk management plan include? List three different things.

2. Identify a potential WHS risk in your current or previous workplace.

Activity 2D
To provide you with an opportunity to describe how to develop and approve project budget.
Describe how you should begin to develop a project budget, including three different techniques you could use to identify project costs.

Activity 2E

To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to consult team members and take their views into account in planning the project.
List two verbal communication and two written communication methods you can use to consult with team members about planning the project.

Activity 2F
To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to finalise project plan and gain necessary approvals to commence project according to documented plan.
List four steps you might need to take to gain approval of the project plan from project authorities.

Activity 3A
To provide you with an opportunity to take action to ensure project team members are clear about their responsibilities and the project requirements.
1. Explain what an organisational chart is and how it can help you to ensure project team members know their responsibilities.

2. Name two other methods you could use to ensure team members are clear about their responsibilities.

Activity 3B
To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to provide support for project team members, especially about specific needs, to ensure that the quality of the expected outcomes of the project and documented timelines are met.
Name three different ways you can support a team and describe one of these in detail.

Activity 3C
To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to establish and maintain required recordkeeping systems throughout the project.
1. Name four different reasons why records need to be kept and maintained.

2. When establishing a recordkeeping system one of the first things to think about is the system requirements. Give two examples of system requirements.

3. How can you determine the scale of the record-keeping system required? Explain in no more than 30 words.

Activity 3D
To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to implement and monitor plans for managing project finances, resources, and quality.
Give a brief description of how you would implement and monitor a financial plan.

(Max. 100 words)

Activity 3E
To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to complete and forward project reports as required by stakeholders.
Outline how you should complete each of the following aspects of completing a project report, so it is ready to be forwarded to stakeholders:

» Planning and researching
» Report structure
» Proofreading and checking the finished document.

Answers may be presented in bullet point form.

Activity 3F
To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to undertake risk management as required to ensure project outcomes are met.
1. To manage risks, you will need to review risks regularly to maintain the currency of the risk plan and ensure project outcomes are met. Give three examples of risk review processes.

2. Monitoring and controlling project risks should be a cyclical process and should continuously occur. What stages/elements are involved?

Activity 3G

To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to achieve project deliverables.
1. Provide a definition, around one or two paragraphs long, of a project deliverable, and include two different examples.

2. How can you check you have achieved deliverables? Explain in no more than 50 words.

Activity 4A
To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to complete financial recordkeeping associated with project and check for accuracy.
What specific records do you need to keep relating to the financial aspects of a project? Identify three examples.

Activity 4B
To provide you with an opportunity identify how to ease the transition of staff involved in project to new roles or reassignment to previous roles.
How can you help to ease the transition of staff involved in a project to new roles or reassignment to previous roles?

Present your answer in 100 words, and identify at least two different methods.

Activity 4C

To provide you with an opportunity to complete project documentation and obtain necessary sign-offs for concluding project.
Complete a piece of documentation for a project. You can use a template provided by your instructor, or evidence from your workplace documentation. This activity can take place in a workplace environment or simulated setting. It will need to be observed by the trainer/assessor or third party.

Activity 5A

To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to review project outcomes and processes against the project scope and plan.
What should your outcomes evaluation state? Identify three answers.

Activity 5B

To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to involve team members in the project review.
How can you involve team members in the project review? Present your answer in no more than 50 words, and identify two different methods.

Activity 5C
To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to document lessons learned from the project and report within the organisation.
How can you document lessons learned and what particular areas might you focus on? Within your answer, think about questions you can ask yourself.

Section A: Skills Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required skills for this unit.

A signed observation by either an approved third party or the assessor will need to be included in this activity as proof of completion.

This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following skills:
» Reading
» Writing
» Numeracy
» Oral communication
» Navigate the world of work
» Interact with others
» Get the work done.

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.

1. Throughout the duration of this unit, produce a diary documenting you performance of the following tasks within the workplace or in the learning environment:

» Organise, evaluate and critique ideas and information from a range of complex texts
» Develop plans, reports and recommendations using vocabulary, structure and conventions appropriate to text
» Establish and maintain records according to organisational requirements
» Use formal and some informal, oral and written mathematical language and representation to prepare and communicate budgetary and financial information
» Participate in verbal discussions using clear language and appropriate features to present or seek information
» Use listening and questioning skills to seek information and confirm understanding
» Recognise and respond to organisational and legislative/regulatory requirements
» Select and use appropriate communication protocols and practices to ensure shared understanding of project roles and expectations
» Use collaborative techniques to engage stakeholders in consultations and negotiations
» Develop and implement plans to manage projects that involve diverse stakeholders with potentially competing demands
» Systematically gather and analyse all relevant information and evaluate options to make informed decisions
» Evaluate outcomes of decisions to identify opportunities for improvement
» Use digital technologies and applications to access, organise and share information.

Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.

The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:
» Give examples of project management tools and how they contribute to a project
» Outline types of documents and other sources of information commonly used in defining the parameters of a project
» Explain processes for identifying and managing risk in a project
» Outline the organisation's mission, goals, objectives and operations and how the project relates to them
» Explain the organisation's procedures and processes that are relevant to managing a project
» Outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisation in relation to project work, including work health and safety (WHS) requirements.

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.

1. Give two examples of project management tools and how they contribute to a project.

2. Outline types of documents and other sources of information commonly used in defining the parameters of a project.

3. Explain processes for identifying and managing risk in a project.

4. In no more than 300 words, outline the organisation's mission, goals, objectives and operations and how the project relates to them.

5. Explain the organisation's procedures and processes you need to follow for managing your project including:

» Lines of authority and approvals
» Quality assurance
» Human resources
» Budgets and finance
» Recordkeeping
» Reporting.

6. What are the project work health and safety requirements that apply to your project?

Section C: Performance Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance elements for this unit.

A signed observation by either an approved third party or the assessor will need to be included in this activity as proof of completion.

This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:
» Define the parameters of the project
» Use project management tools to develop and implement a project plan
» Consult and communicate with relevant stakeholders to generate input and engagement in planning, implementing and reviewing the project
» Provide support to team members to enable them to achieve deliverables and to transition them as appropriate at completion of the project
» Finalise the project including documentation, sign-offs, and reporting
» Review and document the project outcomes.

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.

You will be provided with documentation regarding an upcoming project. Using this information, you should complete the following tasks.

1. Define the parameters of the project including:

» Project scope
» Project stakeholders, including own responsibilities
» Relationship of project to organisational objectives and other projects
» Reporting requirements
» Resource requirements

2. Develop and implement a project plan including using project management tools. Your plan should cover:

» Deliverables
» Work breakdown
» Budget and allocation of resources
» Timelines
» Risk management
» Recordkeeping and reporting.

3. Role-play with your peers, with them taking the role of stakeholders. Ask them for input with the planning, implementing and reviewing of the project, and document their responses.

4. Role-play again with one of your peers, carry out a task to help support them as though they are a team member to help them to achieve deliverables or provide transition on completion of the project. Tasks, for example, may include:

» Conducting a performance review
» Identifying training needs
» Resolving conflict or other issues
» Conducting a debriefing session.

5. Finalise the project by reviewing your documentation, checking for any errors and obtaining sign-offs by your observer.

Write a 100-200 word report summarising the project, as well as your interaction with your ‘stakeholders' and the support you gave to your ‘team member'.

6. Finally, review and document the process of the project:

» What did you learn?
» Did you identify best practices?
» Could you use what you learned for other projects?
» What recommendations would you make for the future?
» What are the main elements contributing to this project's success or failure?

Attachment:- Undertake project work.rar

Reference no: EM132694359

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