Reference no: EM131163147
Assignment: LASA-Global Strategy Analysis
In order to design the strategy to be used for the international/global operations, a company needs to have clear mission and vision, as well as to define its market positioning. Assessment of the external environment allows one to identify strategic thrusts, financial targets, sources of competitive advantage, etc.
An internal environment analysis will identify if necessary resources and capabilities of the company are in alignment with the opportunities and threats identified from the external environment assessment. Together, these analyses will provide a complete picture of what strategies should be considered for a successful operation in the international markets of choice.
For this assignment, you are to create a comprehensive report on your global strategy analysis that you began in the weekly assignment of Module 2 and add in a section that discusses possible strategic alternatives to be implemented for your company's international operations. Scholarly sources should be consulted and included in the justification of your strategic choices.
Use the reports produced during the course to support your strategy.
In a 12-15-page report:
1. Propose a strategy for internationalization/globalization of operations
- Mission, vision
- Goals
- Strategic thrusts - Diversifying, acquiring, and/or restructuring
- Choice(s) of multinational strategies
- Corporate social responsibility model
- Governance mechanisms
- Sources of competitive advantage
- Building organizational capabilities
- Financing operations
- Use of technology
2. Based on all information collected in your global strategy analysis, prepare an executive summary, with a brief although comprehensive overview of your chosen company and the international/global strategy development process, highlighting the main points developed by you along the assignments and LASAs.
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