Create a complex submit form that uses several features

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132087377


For this assignment you will create a complex submit form that uses several javascript features.

Development and Requirements

Almost every web application has a submit form. For this assignment, you may choose any domain such as information inquiry, user registration, and online purchase, provided that your choice suggests enough details to meet the assignment requirements.

While the choice of domain and the details of the form are up to you, the resulting form should meet the following requirements:

The form must check at least one field for presence or valid format. If invalid, javascript should prevent the form from being submitted and provide a meaningful message to the user.

The form must provide at least one optional field that only appears if it is appropriate for a previous selection. For example, a text area might appear only if the user first checks a box labeled "My order has special requests".

At least one pop-up note that elaborates on one of the form labels.

This simple php page responds with a page summarizing all of the form parameters and their values.

Reference no: EM132087377

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