Reference no: EM133203011 , Length: 2 pages.
Problem: Marketing Gantt chart Analysis
Gantt charts have been a popular way for businesses and individuals to organize work flows for a number of years. Named after their creator, Henry Gantt, this charting tool has been edited and adapted into a variety of styles throughout the years. While they can vary in appearance, the function of most remains the same in that they allow users to track progress of tasks and organize work load requirements through time.
In working through you Marketing Project, the use of such a workflow tracking tool can be invaluable. As such, please research Gantt charting and become more familiar with the form and function included within the tool.
After you conduct research, please complete the following.
1. Use an outline to develop a list of potential activities needed to complete project
2. Based on the number of group members, break out activities to each member in an evenly distributed way
3. Create a Completed Gantt document based on work flow that could be submitted for the group