Reference no: EM132359530
Assignment: You have been asked to create a quality improvement (QI) process that involves one specified organizational area such as patient care improvement, patient satisfaction, surgical error prevention, medical error prevention, patient scheduling systems, and so forth.
Complete the following using the template provided:
1. Summarize details of the organization including the following:
• Location
• Size
• Scope or type of personnel
• Services or products provided
• Patient demographics
2. Analyze the pros and cons of the quality improvement process that you are proposing for the organizational area you identified.
3. Justify the need for this process, and detail all of the process specifics, including a time line from launch to evaluation.
4. Create a communication plan for the quality improvement process.
5. Assess the ethical and legal issues involved with the program, including consideration of at least the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Patient Bill of Rights where applicable.
6. Summarize the process outcomes expected when implemented.
Deliverable Length: 1200 words minimum (4-6 pages)
Business focus of maximisation of profit
: Outline the tensions that exist between a business focus of maximisation of profit and that of the social and environmental responsibilities of an organisation.
What would be helpful to people considering
: The most popular are sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Yelp. But you should think about your brand and what would work best.
Complete the balance sheet and cash flow statement
: Janelle must also include a set of calculated ratios along with an overall assessment on the projected health of the company.
Can you describe the deontological ethics
: Can you describe the deontological ethics, utilitarianism, and virtue ethics?
Create a communication plan for quality improvement process
: Create a communication plan for the quality improvement process. Assess the ethical and legal issues involved with the program, including consideration.
Ethical issues that arise from the application of virtue
: What are the important ethical issues that arise from the application of virtue ethics?
Should managers automatically be at the top of the pay scale
: Imagine that you manage human resources for a small business. You have recently prepared a report on the market rate of pay for salespeople, and the company's.
How do you think your staff will react to this document
: How do you think your staff will react to this document? What points would you add to this document in order to sell this idea to your staff?
How do the article findings tie in to your topic
: In this project, utilize 2 qualitative and 2 quantitative peer-reviewed articles related to your topic chosen earlier in this course. You may use 2 reviewed.