Create a communication and sequence diagram

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Reference no: EM1377020

Project Brief

For Realz is a real estate agency which focuses on residential leasing. They lease properties (houses, as wellas apartments flats and units) on behalf of their owners, creating leases, collecting rental payments, andmanaging maintenance. Previous contractors completed a preliminary analysis of a system belonging to ForRealz.

Your role is to continue this analysis, utilising the transcripts and base class diagram. You should not add/remove/rename the classes or the associations. Operations are currentlyabsent from the diagram, and many of the tasks will require you to identify required operations and theirlocation.

1. Create a sequence diagram.

Create a sequence diagram that shows an Owner generating a report regarding the maintenance of their current properties. The report should show :

- The address of each property currently owned by that owner

- For each property, the description of any maintenance request approved in 2014

Your diagram MUST demonstrate:

-Consistency with the provided class diagram structure (this includes associations and classnames)

-Completeness of scenario and consistency with the scope

-Use of existing attributes where appropriate

-Consideration of logical design principals as discussed in lecture 5 (Appendix C)

-Correct demonstration of the following sequence diagram concepts
oParticipants (objects), lifelines, and activations
oParticipant creation or destruction if required
oAppropriate Messages, named as operations for use in task 5
oThe use of frames and operands
oAt least one example of a return message

Your diagram MUST NOT

-Use notation not covered by the CPT230 lecture notes

-Include additional functionality to that mentioned.

2) Create a communication diagram.
You should create a communication diagram to demonstrate a rent payment for a particular property. Thesystem should ensure to locate the current lease for the property, and not assign the payment to aprevious or future lease. The diagram should accommodate that the payment may be initiated by eitheran actor, or the system (e.g. in the case of an automatic monthly payment.)

Your diagram MUST demonstrate:

-Consistency with the provided class diagram structure (this includes associations and classnames)

-Completeness of scenario and consistency with the scope

-Use of existing attributes where appropriate

-Consideration of logical design principals as discussed in lecture 5 (Appendix C)

-Correct demonstration of the following communication diagram concepts
oParticipant creation or destruction if required
oAppropriate Messages, named as operations for use in task 5
oOrdering and labelling of interactions
oGuards or iteration markers if needed
Your diagram MUST NOT

-Use notation not covered by the CPT230 lecture notes

-Include additional functionality to that mentioned.

3) Create a state diagram
Create a state diagram that represents a Maintenance Request, as described by Mike (Appendix B).

Your diagram MUST demonstrate:

-Only notation covered by CPT230 lecture notes

-Correct use of each of the following state diagram concepts
oAppropriate identification and use of entry & exit notation (no more than one of each)
oAppropriate identification and naming of states
oRelevant use of a composite state
oIdentification of all relevant transitions, each with at least an event or guard specified
oAt least one example of a relevant internal action.
oAn example of each aspect of a transition signature (you may demonstrate each aspectindividually or combined on one transition). Notation style MUST be correct.

-Appropriate naming of actions and events - these should be named as operations for use intask 5, where you will be required to place these actions and events in the class diagram.

4. Create an activity diagram.

Create an activity diagram describing the process for maintenance, as explained by Mike.

Your diagram should assume the request is submitted by a Property Manager, and must incorporate allaspects of the process excluding

- Aspects only relevant if a tenant submits the form

- The last bullet point in Mike's transcript

Your diagram MUST demonstrate:

-Completeness of scenario and consistency with scope

-Only notation covered by CPT230 lecture notes

-Demonstrates good practice for activity diagrams

-Correct use of each of the following activity diagram concepts
oActions, documented at a relevant level of detail
oDecisions and merges
oForks with joins
oSwimlanes by role
oLogical flow paths - There should be only one flow into any action
oObject nodes indicating state changes
oAppropriate identification and use of entry & exit notation (no more than one of each)
oAppropriate UML notation

5. Amend the class diagram of For Realz
Update the provided class diagram so that it now includes the operations used by the diagrams you havejust created.

Your diagram MUST :

-Show the operations located in the appropriate class
oOperations do not need a full signature, just the name

-Include operations used in both interaction diagrams as well as the state diagram

-Include any accessors/modifiers used in the prior diagrams, in order to illustrate your
comprehension of how these are used to achieve a task

-Not add/remove/rename the provided classes or associations.

A reminder that your response MUST NOT

-Use notation or concepts not covered by the CPT230 lecture notes

-Include information not required or beyond the scenario scope

-Add or subtract classes, or class relationships

-Show information not relevant to the problem domain - e.g. arrays, foreign keys, storage, etc.
Note if prior diagrams are missing required operations, then marks will be lost in this diagram as well

551_Create a sequence diagram.png

Appendix B - Staff Transcript
Mike from Maintenance.

Occasionally a property needs some maintenance, and a Property Manager or a tenant can create a maintenance request. This is our expected maintenance process:

-The user enters a description of the maintenance required and submits the form

-The system then creates a maintenance request and generates a reference ID for the request.
oIf the requestor is the Property Manager, the request is automatically approved.
oIf the requestor is a tenant

-The system auto emails the request to the Property Manager

-When a Property Manager assesses a tenant maintenance request, the request is marked as "underassessment". The Property Manager may approve or reject a tenant's request.
oIf rejected, the request is marked as "rejected". An email notification is automatically sent tothe requestor.

-When a Maintenance Request is approved (either automatically or by the Property Manager) thesystem marks it as "approved", and sets the approval date. If it has been manually approved, thenthe system emails the tenant that the request has been approved.

-When a Maintenance Manager begins maintenance on an approved maintenance request, it ismarked as "in progress".

-When a Maintenance Manager finishes the work, the maintenance request is marked as "completed".The following tasks then occur in any order
oA set maintenance fee is charged (if it has not already been charged for this request)
oThe requestor is notified
After these two tasks are completed, the Property Manager must approve the closure of the
maintenance request to indicate they are satisfied. If they approve the closure, the request is
marked as "closed". If they reject the closure, then the contractor is notified and the request returnsto the "in progress" stage.

-It is general business practice to keep all requests (even those rejected). However it is possible forthe Property Manager to delete a maintenance request at any stage of the progress (in case ofduplicates, etc). If a request is deleted, then a note is written to a separate log file (external to thissystem).

Reference no: EM1377020

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