Create a code of ethics for you as future professionals

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM132868561 , Length: word count:250

In class, we discussed the basis of ethical codes. "Group ethics" are described in the course textbook (Sect. 19.2.1). This section and Chapter 19 include a few different ethical principles and theories, such as: utilitarianism, Kantian ethics (categorical imperative), and the Golden Rule/Platinum Rule.

Select and provide a brief description of a school of ethics (classical or modern). Using one or more construction-industry codes of ethics (ASCE, CMAA, AIA, etc.), find three (3) canons/rules related to your chosen ethical principles/theory. Explain how the ethics apply to each canon or rule.

Comment on at least one other post. Cite (IEEE) your sources.

Create a Code of Ethics for you as future professionals in the construction industry and engineers (CEM). Address issues on how you plan to deal with...
1. Clients and employers
2. Suppliers
3. Other engineers/designers
4. The public

Reference no: EM132868561

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4/26/2021 5:40:38 AM

I need help with two essays (200-250 words) per each is good. The use of bulletin points at times for a better understanding is fine. If you google construction ethics in ASCE, CMAA, or AIA, you will get a lot of information. Please keep it brief. Like no need for definitions of ASCE, CMMA, or AIA. The textbook is attached as well.

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