Create a client/property database using microsoft access.

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13947821

1. Create a Client/Property database using Microsoft Access.

a. Open the Microft Access software program

b. After the Microsoft Access Window opens, select Blank Access Database, then click okay

c. The file New Database window opens, then type the word Client as the name for this file where the cursor is blinking, then click the create bottom.

d. Your Client: Database window opens, then type the word Client as the name for this file where the cursor is blinking, then click the create bottom.

e. Table 1 will appear with 3 columns titled, "Field Name" and "Data type" and "Description." The Field Name column heading is okay so you don't change the name. The Data Type means you need to specify whether it is text, number, data, or other type of information, and a description is used to set the criteria of the field name area cannpt have more than 50 characters, or you cna create your own setting, which may be 25 characters or less. In this case, you would change the 5o to 25 in the Foeld Size category. As you gain greater understanding of what the Access program can do, you will start to get creative in the descrition column.

f. Enter the date in each column and press the tab key after each entry to move your cursor to the next column. A same is shown below under each table heading.
Field Name

Name of Property (tab)
Kind of Property (tab)
Account ID# (tab)
Address (tab)
City property is in (tab)

Data Type
Text (tab)
Text (tab)
Text (tab)
Text (tab)
Text (tab)


Zip code of Property (tab) Number (tab)
Contact Person (tab) Text (tab)
Area Code (tab) Number (tab)
Phone Number (tab) Number (tab)
Sq. Ft. of Property (tab) Number (tab)

Reference no: EM13947821

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